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"Pre-Parliament": Release Of Surik Khachatryan's Son And Bodyguard H

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  • "Pre-Parliament": Release Of Surik Khachatryan's Son And Bodyguard H


    by Ashot Safaryan
    Wednesday, September 11, 14:46

    The civil initiative "Pre-Parliament" has disseminated a statement
    in connection with release of ex-governor of Syunik region, Surik
    Khachatryan's, son and bodyguard, Tigran Khachatryan and Zarzand
    Nikogosyan. The statement says that this has again discredited justice
    system in Armenia.

    "The criminal regime has again demonstrated that the state government
    system with all its components, including justice, has turned into an
    instrument for enthrallment and humiliation of its own people. The
    case of releasing a man which committed grave crime, as well as the
    case of criminal prosecution of a serviceman, which protected the
    honor and dignity of his brother, is more than a blatant injustice",
    - the statement says.

    The Pre-Parliament thinks that this case as well as therefusal of
    sovereignty via joining of the Customs Union, and civil activists
    abuse by policemen and criminal prosecution of Armenian citizens,
    in fact mean a war by the authorities against their own people. This
    war should have an adequate reaction. "The Pre-Parliament calls to
    self-organization and formation of the parallel structures of power -
    executive, legislative and judicial, in order to take the power into
    our own hands at the needed moment and to ensure development of our
    statehood", - the statement by the Pre-Parliament says.

    To recall, shootouts in front of Syunik Governor Suren Khachatryan's
    house at 00:10am on June 2 killed former candidate for Goris mayor
    Avo Budaghyan and wounded his brother Artak Budaghyan, a commander
    at a military unit in the NKR. There was another wounded, Nikolay
    Abrahamyan, a relative and bodyguard of Governor Suren Khachartyan. A
    criminal case has been initiated on the basis of Article 103.1 (murder)
    and Article 235 (illegal use, storage and bearing weapons) of the
    Criminal Code of Armenia. Syunik Governor Suren Khachatryan's son,
    Tigran Khachatryan, has been arrested over latest shootouts in Syunik.

    Earlier, the governor's bodyguard Zarzand Nikoghosyan was arrested
    over the case. On June 3 Suren Khachatryan sent in his resignation
    declaring that everyone must answer for their mistakes. He regretted
    for failing to prevent the tragic incident near his house. On July 9,
    the brother of Avetik Budaghyan was charged with Article 137.1 of
    the Criminal Code. Budaghyan denies the accusations against him. He
    was released on the recognizance not to leave. Later on September 7,
    Department for Major Cases, Investigation Service, Defense Ministry
    of Armenia, set free the son and bodyguard of Surik Khachatryan. The
    Investigation adopted a resolution saying that Tigran Khachatryan
    and Zarzand Nikoghosyan acted in self-defense.
