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European Lawmakers Accuse Russia Of Blocking Eastern Partnership On

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  • European Lawmakers Accuse Russia Of Blocking Eastern Partnership On


    The Moscow Times, Russia
    Sept 12 2013

    12 September 2013 | Issue 5211
    The Moscow Times

    Several senior European Parliament members have accused Russia
    of imposing sanctions on the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries
    to prevent them from signing trade and visa agreements with the
    European Union.

    European parliamentarians called for sanctions against Russia in light
    of its bans imposed this year on Moldovan wine, Ukrainian sweets and
    Belarussian pork. Russia's alleged manipulation of energy deliveries
    and its meddling in Armenia's relations with Turkey and the breakaway
    region of Nagorno-Karabakh have also been called into question.

    The calls for sanctions came on the eve of the two-day EaP Summit in
    Vilnius, which started Thursday. The Eastern Partners include Belarus,
    Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    The European Parliament passed a resolution supported by five
    political groups that proposes taking several measures against Russia,
    including an embargo on the import of its spirits by EU countries,
    and a complaint to the World Trade Organization about "Gazprom's
    abuse of its dominant position on the EU gas market and its price
    manipulation to the detriment to EU consumers," parliament member
    Jacek Saryusz-Wolski said on his website.

    Another measure involves building interconnected energy and gas
    grids to help deliver energy to countries being pressed by Russia,
    said Saryusz-Wolski, chairman of the parliament's delegation for
    relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. He also suggested
    opening European markets to EaP goods, for example, wine.

    Saryusz-Wolski described Russia's economic policies toward EaP
    countries as "pressure" that is "clearly in violation of WTO rules
    and encroaches upon EU interests."

    In addition, Russia is "contesting" the European Union's desire
    to sign trade-liberalizing Association Agreements with the EaP,
    Saryusz-Wolski said.

    Pawel Kowal, chairman of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation
    Committee, said that he supported Association Agreements and that it
    was "necessary to lift trade and visa barriers," with EaP countries,
    Interfax-Ukraine reported.

    Elmar Brok, chairman of the parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee,
    said in parliament Wednesday that Russia's exploitation of "energy
    prices as an instrument for blocking a country's free choice" was

    Brok urged EaP countries to sign Association Agreements with the EU.

    Libor Roucek, a Foreign Affairs Committee member, echoed his
    colleague's sentiments, saying "We don't need new cold wars in Europe,"
    Interfax-Ukraine reported.
