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Heritage Party Sec Critical Of Official Yerevan's 'overnight Decisio

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  • Heritage Party Sec Critical Of Official Yerevan's 'overnight Decisio


    21:50 12.09.13

    In an interview with, Political Secretary of the Heritage
    party Styopa Safaryan commented on Armenia's decisions on accession
    to the Shanghai Declaration with observer status, initialing of the
    Association Agreement with the European Union (EU). He believes that
    Armenia's authorities have made "hasty decisions."

    Mr Safaryan, a decision on Armenia's accession to the Shanghai
    Declaration with observer status has unexpectedly been announced.

    Armenia's authorities are making such unexpected steps that the
    idea of Armenia's possible membership as a reliable partner should
    be completely rejected by Europe. When I had meetings with numerous
    EU officials in Brussels, they pointed out their inability to view
    Armenia as a reliable partner any longer as a major problem. The
    Armenian president's unexpected decision is evidence thereof. And
    even the Armenia authorities' commitments to Europe have been called
    into question. And this behavior - visiting the capitals of different
    great powers and giving different promises - is not serious in itself.

    Few Armenian political analysts have an idea of the Shanghai
    Cooperation Organization (SCO) and all of them withhold comments. The
    reason may be its being an unclear direction.

    This is an economic cooperation organization co-sponsored by Russia,
    China and, so to say, Eurasian states. Nothing prevents Armenia from
    getting observer status at different organizations. Moreover, Armenia
    maintains relations with Russia, Kazakhstan, China and other states.

    But Armenia's authorities go on making "overnight decisions" thereby
    shocking both Armenia's population and international experts. Simply
    speaking, Armenia's policy has become unpredictable, which does not
    promise anything good. The authorities may have decided to expose
    the country, endangering Armenia's international reputation.

    Still, do you think it is something forced or what is known as

    God alone knows where the last decision was discussed. But is has
    nothing in common with Armenia's population or political forces.

    If anyone says that Armenia has lately seen debates on which of
    the unions the country should join, the Association Agreement with
    the European Union is the only exception. No other agreements have
    ever been discussed in Armenia. It is unacceptable. I say again,
    Armenia's authorities are not making independent decisions. Rather,
    they are unexpectedly told where to go and what to promise. And
    "overnight decisions" are made under Russian pressure.

    Mr Safaryan, you say Europe is expecting cooperation in discussing the
    legal incompatibility. However, European Commissioner for Enlargement
    and European Neighborhood Policy Štefan Fule said that Armenia can
    initial the Association Agreement with the EU if it has only observer
    status at the Customs Union. It is clear that even a modified version
    of the Association Agreement is out of the question.

    However, willingness has been declared to discuss the initialing of
    the Association Agreement and of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade
    Areas Agreement (DCFTA) and resume negotiations if Armenia states its
    intention to join the Customs Union as an observer. I mean Europe is
    affording Armenia an opportunity. However, instead of following the
    way to resolve its problems Armenia is making unpredictable steps.

    Armenia's president never mentioned such unpredictable steps during
    his election campaign.

    That is, you share Alexander Arzumanyan's opinion. Yesterday he told
    Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan that that the government
    program did not contain a single word about the Customs Union or the
    Shanghai agreement. The government must either present a new program
    or resign. On his part, the FM stated that new developments rather
    than a revision of the program are on the agenda.

    The country's foreign policy has undergone serious changes. But it is
    not only the emphases that the authorities never mentioned during the
    election campaign. Nothing like this is incorporated in the government
    program either. Yes, they must either amend their program or resign.

    The authorities have no right to speak on behalf of the people if
    they have not discussed such significant issues with the people or
    have been given the right to make such momentous decisions.

    Štefan Fule will arrive in Armenia. But as far as we know he does
    not plan meetings with political forces in the previous format. Has
    the Heritage party received an invitation?

    I am not informed of such an invitation. But I think we need a meeting
    because each side has something to say. But if he decides against
    meeting with political forces, I think such a step should be viewed
    as a wish to avoid criticism. Besides, I think their work is focused
    on Armenia's authorities.
