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Hovik Abrahamyan's Sinister Confession On Karabakh

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  • Hovik Abrahamyan's Sinister Confession On Karabakh


    "We've talked about the Association Agreement, DCFTA is a different
    notion. We say that the Customs Union is not incompatible with the
    Association Agreement, and I would like to assert this once again,"
    Speaker Abrahamyan told reporters today commenting on the statement
    of Commissioner Fule.

    In answer to the question whether the Armenian side hopes to pre-sign
    the Association Agreement, he said the Armenian authorities are for
    signing it. "The other side will be in Armenia tomorrow, meet with
    the authorities of the country, and a decision will be made in the
    result of these discussions. We will continue our work with the EU,
    continue the ongoing reforms," Abrahamyan said.

    In answer to the question when the European partners were notified
    about the intention of Armenia to join the Customs Union, Hovik
    Abrahamyan said the foreign minister has already answered the
    question. We are still speaking about cooperation with the EU.

    The reporters wondered what induced Armenia to make a hasty decision
    to join the Customs Union. The speaker said the decision was not
    hasty, the president expressed his consent, his intention which
    suppose processes that the governments and relevant bodies of the two
    countries should be working on. "As soon as we have an agreed option,
    it will be submitted to the National Assembly," he said.

    He dismissed Fule's statement that Armenia underwent pressure. "I
    did not experience any pressure, did not feel that our government
    underwent any pressure. And nobody forced us to join the Customs
    Union." He noted that Russia is not telling anything to Armenia,
    we are a sovereign state, the authorities of our country determine
    their foreign policy. Abrahamyan also said that there was no pressure
    regarding Artsakh.

    In answer to the question what membership to the Customs Union will
    bring to NKR, Hovik Abrahamyan said, "The Republic of Armenia is
    joining the Customs Union, what does this have to do with Karabakh?

    Karabakh is an independent state."

    In answer to the question whether BCPs will be installed between
    Armenia and NKR, Hovik Abrahamyan said, "Let's first resolve our
    issues, then we'll think about Karabakh."

    At the same time, he said that he supports membership to the Customs
    Union because "the state interest underlies it". And if Armenia does
    not benefit, it may not sign the agreement, we are not a hostage,
    the document is not in place yet. In answer to the question what
    was given consent then if the document is not in place yet, he said
    "membership". "Today our strategic partner, our economic ties are
    all with Russia, our market is Russia."

    Hovik Abrahamyan says he does not think that the EU officials are
    surprised at the decision of Armenia. "We still want to pre-sign
    the Association Agreement, if he says he does not want to, it is
    his problem." In answer to reiterations of EU officials that the
    Association Agreement is meaningless without DCFTA, Hovik Abrahamyan
    said they are going to discuss this.

    "They say there is a problem with DCFTA, there is a problem with the
    Customs Union, there are controversies so we will discuss and maybe
    work out the controversies, there may be controversies which are not
    compatible. Life will show, time will show."

    He also underlined that the signing of the Customs Union will not be
    soon, it will take months, it may take place in 2014.

    17:29 12/09/2013 Story from News:
