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Association Chairman Defends Armenia's Membership In Customs Union

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  • Association Chairman Defends Armenia's Membership In Customs Union


    YEREVAN, September 12. / ARKA /. Chairman of the Union of Armenian
    Domestic Commodity Producers Vazgen Safarian defended today president
    Sargsyan's decision to make Armenia a member of the Russian-led Customs
    Union saying it is going to have a positive impact on the economy.

    "Membership in the Customs Union will become a direct stimulus for
    the development of the Armenian economy. In the recent past we and
    Russia shared a common economic area, industrial and economic culture,
    our factories worked by using similar technology," Safarian said
    on Thursday.

    Safarian brushed aside as groundless fears that by joining the Customs
    Union Armenia will lose its political independence.

    "No country in the world - from the U.S. to Mozambique- is absolutely
    independent. All countries are in a certain economic, political and
    military-strategic dependence on each other," he said.

    Safarian said Armenia may offer to its future partners in the union
    brandies, agricultural, industrial products and textile goods.

    Safarian added that a membership in the Customs Union does not mean
    Armenia will have to cut its ties with Europe. "Those who are engaged
    in trade with the EU countries should continue it, because Europe
    needs the goods we export, especially ore and raw materials," he said.

    According to the National Statistical Service of Armenia, Armenian
    exports to EU in January-December 2012 amounted to $560.3 million and
    that to Russia , Kazakhstan and Belarus, which make the Customs Union-
    to about $293 million

    In January -June 2013 this year Armenian exports to EU dropped
    by 3 percent year-on-year to $250. 5 million, while exports
    to the Customs Union member countries grew to $149.4 million
    from $125 in the first half of last year. -0- - See more at: in_customs_union/#sthash.pOioSWQ6.dpuf
