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Erasmus+ Will Boost EU's Eastern Partnership

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  • Erasmus+ Will Boost EU's Eastern Partnership


    Europa, EU
    Sept 13 2013

    European Commission, Androulla VASSILIOU

    Member of the European Commission responsible for Education, Culture,
    Multilingualism and Youth

    Education Ministerial Session of the Informal Eastern Partnership
    Dialogue /Yerevan, Armenia

    13 September 2013

    Minister Ashotyan,

    Dear Ministers,

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    I am very grateful for this opportunity to open the first ministerial
    meeting on education under the Informal Eastern Partnership Dialogue.

    I would like to thank Armenia's Minister of Education and Science and
    his colleagues for organising today's event. It is a great pleasure
    to be here, and I am sure we can learn a great deal from each other.

    Education, and in particular higher education, has a growing
    international dimension. The type of dialogue we are having today
    has become a necessity, since we all share common challenges in a
    rapidly changing world.

    The countries of the Eastern Partnership are at the centre of our
    efforts to support democratic and growth-oriented reforms. Your
    countries are also the European Union's privileged partners for
    international academic cooperation.

    The EU has already shown its commitment to our partnership with you
    by greatly increasing the funding of our main cooperation programmes,
    Tempus and Erasmus Mundus, for the period 2011-2013. In recent years,
    hundreds of institutions and thousands of students and staff in
    the region have benefited from these programmes. They have been
    instrumental in the reform and modernisation of higher education
    systems and institutions in your region.

    We have also initiated our policy dialogue with your ministries
    under Platform 4 of the Eastern Partnership, a platform dedicated to
    "contacts between people".

    But the EU is determined to do more - and we will. Next year, we
    launch our new programme for education, training and youth, Erasmus+.

    Erasmus+ will replace the Tempus and Erasmus Mundus programmes, and
    deliver something bigger and better. We want to build on the good
    work so far, increase the mobility of students and staff between
    our regions, and give greater support to the modernisation of higher
    education institutions and systems.

    Erasmus+ will create more opportunities for our institutions to
    work together and develop closer contacts between people. We will,
    for example, for the first time open the intra-EU Erasmus programme
    and offer exactly the same cooperation mechanisms to universities in
    your region.

    Our meeting today is a unique opportunity to discuss our joint
    achievements and the way forward. Education is vital for the prosperity
    and stability of our societies, because without well-performing
    education systems, there can be neither growth nor development. In
    all parts of Europe, the economic crisis has underscored the need
    for people to develop a broader range of skills, and it is up to our
    schools and universities to meet this challenge.

    Labour-market needs in your region have evolved a lot over the past
    20 years. Tempus has helped higher education to adapt curricula to
    the major transitions in your societies and economies. Since 2008,
    more than half of all Tempus projects in the region have focused on
    curriculum reform. Through Tempus, many new fields of study have been
    introduced or developed.

    We want to bring the worlds of education and work closer together,
    to ensure that our graduates can acquire skills that are valued in
    the labour market. These goals are all part of the EU modernisation
    strategy which complements the Bologna Process.

    We have invested heavily in learning mobility, and will invest even
    more in the years ahead. The evidence indicates that mobility brings
    substantial benefits for students and young people, as well as for
    higher education institutions and systems.

    Mobility helps people to develop some of the skills that are crucial to
    meeting the challenges of the global knowledge-based economy. Here,
    we are talking not only about better communication, cultural and
    language skills but also about a sense of initiative, confidence,
    entrepreneurial spirit and the ability to adapt.

    Within the European Union itself, learning mobility strengthens
    our identity as Europeans and has a positive impact, not only on
    individuals but also on our institutions and the quality of the
    education they offer.

    Students, if they can, want to travel in pursuit of learning; and
    institutions and governments agree that they should be encouraged to
    do so. Within the Bologna Process, Ministers have agreed that by 2020,
    at least 20% of graduates in the European Higher Education Area should
    have enjoyed a study or training period abroad.

    I firmly believe that academic cooperation and mobility not only
    improve quality in higher education. They also open avenues for mutual
    understanding that run deep through our cultures, and are among the
    best forms of people-to-people contacts. Therefore, cooperation and
    mobility must remain at the heart of the neighbourhood policy that
    we are celebrating today.

    [Presentation of the new Erasmus+ programme and Marie Sklodowska
    Curie Actions]

    Allow me now to introduce the final part of our discussion by
    presenting very briefly our new programmes: Erasmus+ and the Marie
    Sklodowska Curie Actions.

    Erasmus+, the new programme for education and training, youth and
    sport, will merge seven existing programmes into one.

    It will bring about simplification, making the programme's actions more
    visible and easier to understand. This will also bring more efficiency
    and more coherence between the different actions within the EU and
    in our increasingly important work with the other regions of the world.

    Erasmus+ will build on the success of Tempus and Erasmus Mundus, and
    continue the EU's support to Eastern Partnership countries provided
    before 2013. We want in particular to boost mobility between our
    regions, and support partnerships between higher education institutions
    which will help to strengthen their capacity.

    Erasmus+ will have a strong international component, aiming to attract
    the brightest global talent to Europe. It will provide funding for
    more outgoing mobility, international partnerships and joint research
    projects, as well as for capacity building and staff development in
    partner countries throughout the world.

    Let me briefly summarise the major innovations of the new programme.

    First and foremost, we will support short-term credit mobility. In
    other words, we are opening the internal Erasmus programme to
    students and universities all over the world. I believe this signals
    an exciting new chapter in the story of Erasmus. And it is good news
    for the thousands of young people in your region and beyond who will
    find it much easier to study for a term or a year in another country.

    More higher education institutions will be able to take part in the
    programme, since participation will not be restricted to a small
    number of organisations participating in a call for tender.

    Institutions will enjoy more flexibility when it comes to finding
    partners, provided they have signed an inter-institutional agreement.

    These changes will have a positive impact on institutions and your
    universities in particular. They will boost the number of agreements
    between EU and Eastern Partnership institutions, and help them to

    Second, Erasmus+ will mean that neighbouring countries continue
    to benefit from degree mobility through the award of high-level
    scholarships to participate in joint Master programmes. In other
    words, we continue Erasmus Mundus Action 1, supporting Joint Masters
    and related scholarships under the mobility strand.

    We will ensure complementarity with the Marie Curie Actions, which
    will continue in Horizon 2020 under the name Marie SkÅ~Bodowska Curie.

    These actions will support research activities and especially joint
    doctorates. We will retain the strong international dimension, and the
    programme will continue to serve as a tool for European universities,
    helping them to cement their partnerships with their peers around
    the world.

    Under the Marie SkÅ~Bodowska-Curie Actions, we will fund joint,
    double and multiple doctorates. In addition, European Industrial
    Doctorates will encourage academic collaboration with the private
    sector to combine learning in innovation and entrepreneurial spirit
    with high-level academic research.

    The third major change is that Erasmus+ will support capacity-building
    through multilateral partnerships between higher education institutions
    from the EU and Neighbouring countries.

    Here we are building on the success of Tempus. We will strengthen
    cooperation with neighbouring countries by integrating a strong
    mobility component in those partnerships. We want to ensure that
    mobility has an impact not only on the individuals involved but also
    on the capacities of Eastern Partnership institutions.

    I would like to assure you that the National Tempus Officers, who
    are highly valued and have been instrumental in the success of Tempus
    in your countries, will become national contact persons and continue
    their current role.

    As you can see, Erasmus+ will offer many new and promising features
    for your countries. But its success will depend on you and your higher
    education institutions: together you need to take a leading role.

    Therefore, I urge you, Ministers, to ensure that your ministries and
    universities seize these new opportunities.

    On 24th and 25th October in Kaunas, Lithuania, we are organising an
    information day to help your higher education institutions to better
    understand the workings of the new programme. Please encourage your
    institutions to take part.

    To conclude: the EU's negotiations on the budget for the international
    component of Erasmus+ have not yet finished. But I am confident that
    my proposals to further invest in education and research and boost
    support to our neighbouring countries will prevail. My message has
    been clear from the very beginning: investment in education is an
    investment in our future prosperity.

    Thank you.
