APA, Azerbaijan
Sept 13 2013
[ 13 September 2013 12:39 ]
Baku - APA. Azerbaijani "Vatan" society in Denmark has sent a letter
of protest to Speaker of the Danish Parliament Mogens Lykketoft,
Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Mette Gjerskov and
Danish MPs.
The society told APA that the letter was written as a protest against
the visit of Danish MPs and journalists to Nagorno Karabakh and other
occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the meetings held there.
The letter says: "I am writing to you on behalf of the members of
the Azerbaijani community in Denmark to draw your attention to and
express our deepest concern with the news coverage on Armenian mass
media which allegedly refers to the recent visit of two members of
the Danish Parliament to the Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.
Since 1992 the Nagorno Karabakh and seven adjacent regions of the
Republic of Azerbaijan have been illegally occupied by the Armenian
military forces, in direct contravention of four UN Security Council
Resolutions - numbers 822, 853, 874 and 884. However, the Nagorno
Karabakh region has been, and remains legally and internationally
recognized, including by the UN and the Danish Government, as the
integral part of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Therefore by visiting these territories everyone is in danger of
bestowing a measure of legitimacy on an illegal military occupation,
in direct conflict to the position of the Danish Government which
recognizes the Nagorno Karabakh as the sovereign Azerbaijani territory.
We will highly appreciate your understanding of the sensitivity of
the subject matter and we would like to express our hope that the
members of the Danish Parliament will take the above-mentioned in
due consideration and will avoid this kind of visits to the Nagorno
Karabakh region of Azerbaijan."
APA, Azerbaijan
Sept 13 2013
[ 13 September 2013 12:39 ]
Baku - APA. Azerbaijani "Vatan" society in Denmark has sent a letter
of protest to Speaker of the Danish Parliament Mogens Lykketoft,
Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Mette Gjerskov and
Danish MPs.
The society told APA that the letter was written as a protest against
the visit of Danish MPs and journalists to Nagorno Karabakh and other
occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the meetings held there.
The letter says: "I am writing to you on behalf of the members of
the Azerbaijani community in Denmark to draw your attention to and
express our deepest concern with the news coverage on Armenian mass
media which allegedly refers to the recent visit of two members of
the Danish Parliament to the Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.
Since 1992 the Nagorno Karabakh and seven adjacent regions of the
Republic of Azerbaijan have been illegally occupied by the Armenian
military forces, in direct contravention of four UN Security Council
Resolutions - numbers 822, 853, 874 and 884. However, the Nagorno
Karabakh region has been, and remains legally and internationally
recognized, including by the UN and the Danish Government, as the
integral part of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Therefore by visiting these territories everyone is in danger of
bestowing a measure of legitimacy on an illegal military occupation,
in direct conflict to the position of the Danish Government which
recognizes the Nagorno Karabakh as the sovereign Azerbaijani territory.
We will highly appreciate your understanding of the sensitivity of
the subject matter and we would like to express our hope that the
members of the Danish Parliament will take the above-mentioned in
due consideration and will avoid this kind of visits to the Nagorno
Karabakh region of Azerbaijan."