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Armenian Government, Leading US Computer Technology Corporation Sign

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  • Armenian Government, Leading US Computer Technology Corporation Sign

    IT AND TELECOM | 13.09.13 | 12:00

    Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan today received a delegation
    led by Alain Blanc, Senior Vice President of the American multinational
    computer technology corporation, Oracle.

    During the meeting, as reported by the government press office,
    Sargsyan said: "The information technology sphere is one of the
    priorities of the Armenian government. It annually expands by 15-20
    percent. We welcome our emerging cooperation with Oracle and believe
    that our bilateral partnership will give a new impetus to further
    development of the IT industry in our country."

    The two sides reportedly discussed plans for long-term cooperation
    between the Armenian side and the American company in the fields of
    innovations, scientific and technological research, as well as issues
    related to the application of innovative technologies and solutions
    by Oracle on the Armenian market.

    Oracle's Senior Vice President Blanc expressed confidence that the
    American company's entry to the market will be successful, which will,
    in turn, stimulate various innovation programs.

    Then in the presence of the Armenian prime minister a memorandum of
    understanding was signed between the Government of Armenia and Oracle.

    The signatories were Chief of Government Chief, Minister Vache
    Gabrielyan and Oracle's Senior Vice President Alain Blanc.

    The document envisages support to the development of the IT sector
    in Armenia within the framework of the Oracle educational program,
    assessment and expansion of the application of Oracle solutions in
    state bodies, foundation of the American corporation's excellence
    center in Armenia, etc..

    Agreement on cooperation between the Armenian side and Oracle was
    reached still on December 7, 2012 during a meeting between Prime
    Minister Sargsyan and heads of the American corporation in Frankfurt,

    The Oracle Company was founded in 1977 in the United States. The
    company has more than 390,000 customers and its software products
    are presented in more than 145 countries.

    From: Baghdasarian