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Two Karabakhis And Europe

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  • Two Karabakhis And Europe


    Serzh Sargsyan's decision to join the Customs Union crystallized the
    sole genuine conflict in Armenia - the race of two Karabakhis for
    power. The price of power is again called to be Karabakh.

    While a geopolitical choice was played over the past 2-3 years, the
    political struggle, real for the state and the society and staged
    for the government, was taking place in the vicinity of foreign
    orientation. Serzh Sargsyan laid out the game, and other political
    parties unintentionally became participants of the game and were
    divided to pro-West and pro-Russian groups.

    The criticism of of the authorities was taking place in the light of
    the European choice of Serzh Sargsyan. Some opposition parties and
    marginal groups directed all their efforts towards proving that Serzh
    Sargsyan is leading everyone towards pervert Europe, and how he is
    trying to sell Europe, spoiling his relations with Moscow. Russian
    propaganda with its affiliated Armenian entities was also dealing
    with this.

    On September 3 this trend was ended. Serzh Sargsyan turned his back to
    "pervert Europe" and passed Karabakh under Russia's protection. The
    opposition parties and the civil groups should be satisfied. In the
    meantime, an interesting slogan appeared: "Integration without Serzh
    Sargsyan." It turned out that all the geopolitical and gender-related
    fears, concerns about Karabakh and others were just a cover for the
    struggle of the "two Karabakhis" for power.

    Karabakh, its handover, not its preservation, is becoming the price
    for power in this struggle. Hovik Abrahamyan who is a potential
    victim of the fight of the two Karabakhis expressed the attitude
    of the Armenian political class. He made a sacramental statement:
    "What does Karabakh have to do with the Customs Union? Karabakh is
    an independent state. First it is necessary to resolve the problems
    of Armenia and then only start thinking about Karabakh."

    Denial of Karabakh was always the wish of the political circles of
    Armenia. On the one hand, they think that the Karabakh issue prevents
    their integration with Turkey and Azerbaijan. On the other hand,
    Karabakh always used to be the "stock of gold" for trade of the
    Armenian politics.

    Now, it is apparently the time for denial of Karabakh, handing it over
    to Karabakh under the cover of "ensuring security" (and let them do
    what they want to do), holding on to power and trade with Turkey and
    Azerbaijan within the Customs Union.

    So could think the people who have never been good at reading maps
    because a single look at the map would be enough for them to understand
    that Armenia without Karabakh stops being a strategic unit.

    It has lost its significance for Russia, Europe and Iran, and only
    interests Turkey.

    Besides, the attempts to trade Karabakh usually ended in a coup and
    bloodshed. Had it been so easy to hand over Karabakh, it would have
    been handed over a long time ago.

    Naira Hayrumyan 11:46 13/09/2013 Story from News:
