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Turkey's pressure on Alawites clear message to Bashar Assad

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  • Turkey's pressure on Alawites clear message to Bashar Assad

    Turkey's pressure on Alawites clear message to Bashar Assad

    September 15, 2013 | 09:11

    YEREVAN. - Amid tense relations with Syria, Turkey is trying to use
    violence against the citizens of its country based on their religious
    affiliation, turkologist Ruben Melkonyan said.

    The rights of Alawites have been violated in Turkey for centuries.
    They experienced pressure up to genocides and ethnic cleansings.

    `The current policy of the Turkish authorities against Alawites has
    two meanings. First of Alawites have recently been very active. They
    often hold protest actions. On the other hand, it may also include an
    external message,' Melkonyan toldArmenian

    Turkey considers the Alawites as the agents of Assad and Syria, and it
    is for this reason that they are being persecuted, he explained.

    `Thus, Turkey is sending a message to Syrian President Assad,' he concluded.

    Clashes with police in Alawi-populated district of Ankara continue for
    the sixth day. The reason of clashes is an intention to build a Sunni
    mosque and an Alawi house (djemevi) at one site.

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