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Azeri president urges officials to show modesty

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  • Azeri president urges officials to show modesty

    ANS TV, Azerbaijan
    Sept 11 2013

    Azeri president urges officials to show modesty

    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has urged government officials to
    show modesty in their work, private ANS TV channel reported on 11

    "Officials must be modest, serve the people and be loyal to the state
    and the statehood," ANS showed Aliyev saying.

    The president further said: "If the state has entrusted them with the
    responsibility or the president has appointed them to certain posts,
    in any sphere they must set an example for the society and guide
    people - through their work, their capabilities and their attitude
    towards people. This is how it should be. Otherwise, they should not
    be in these positions."

    Aliyev also called on officials to educate their own children in
    Azerbaijan, rather than in foreign countries.

    "I want the Azerbaijani youth to receive education in Azerbaijan. My
    son went to high school in Baku. He will also receive higher education
    in Azerbaijan. The level of education in Azerbaijan must be so high
    that no-one goes abroad for education, so that there is no need for
    this. We are reaching these goals gradually. I am glad that as a
    president, I am setting an example in this. There are advantages and
    disadvantages to studying abroad. I believe that officials will learn
    a lesson from this," the president said.

    Aliyev made the remarks in Barda city at a meeting with IDPs from the
    Armenian-controlled Azerbaijani territories.

    The president made similar remarks in August in northern Ismayilli District.

    Meanwhile, APA news agency quoted the president as saying at the same
    meeting that he had warned officials against holding expensive wedding

    [Translated from Azeri]

    From: Baghdasarian