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After EU Talks, Armenia Swings Back To Moscow

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  • After EU Talks, Armenia Swings Back To Moscow


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #701
    Sept 13 2013

    Opposition parties attack plans to join Russian-led trade bloc.

    By Arpi Harutyunyan - Caucasus

    President Serzh Sargsyan's announcement that Armenia wants to join
    the Customs Union, a free trade bloc led by Russia, seems to fit
    with the country's longstanding ties with Moscow. But it has caused
    consternation among those who fear the deal will derail plans for
    closer ties with the European Union.

    Sargsyan made the announcement after meeting his Russian counterpart
    Vladimir Putin in Moscow on September 3. He also said Armenia would
    like to be part of the Eurasian Economic Union, a more ambitious
    Moscow-led grouping that is still at the planning stage.

    The Customs Union's current members are Russia, Belarus and Kazakstan.

    Kyrgyzstan is expected to join next year.

    At a discussion held at the Media Centre in Yerevan, Samvel Nikoyan,
    а member of the ruling Republican Party, said the idea of joining
    the free trade bloc was the Armenian government's own initiative,
    not something that had been imposed on it.

    The idea of joining was first floated by Energy Minister Armen
    Movsisyan in late June. (See Armenia Weighs Foreign Economic
    Partnerships.) Previously, government officials had dismissed the
    possibility. In April 2012, for example, Prime Minister Tigran
    Sargsyan told a Russian newspaper that joining would be "senseless"
    because Armenia did not share a land border with any other Customs
    Union member.

    As late as August 21 this year, Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh
    Kocharyan said on a local TV station that entering the bloc would mean
    "saying goodbye to one's sovereignty".

    On September 5, however, Kocharyan retracted the remark in an interview
    for RFE/RL, saying instead that "Customs Union membership means a
    reduction in sovereignty in making independent decisions. That applies
    to any customs union, and it concerns customs policy and tariffs".

    Kocharyan insisted that the decision had not been forced on Armenia
    by the Kremlin.

    "That is not the case. You're missing the entire point," he told his
    interviewer. "There were many matters that needed resolving....But
    after comprehensive talks, you ultimately weigh everything up, for
    and against, and in sum, it is to our advantage".

    Nevertheless, the decision caused some consternation since it
    followed closely on the successful conclusion of negotiations with
    the European Union on an "association agreement" which will give
    Armenia preferential terms of trade. (See Armenia Takes One Step
    Towards Europe.)

    The question as yet unanswered is how the different sets of trade
    tariffs can be reconciled.

    Speaking on September 5, the EU commissioner for enlargement and
    neighbourhood policy, Štefan Fule, questioned whether Armenia's
    association agreement with Brussels would be compatible with
    membership of the Customs Union. Elmar Brok, who chairs the European
    Parliament's foreign affairs committee, said that trying to be part
    of both free-trade systems was "really impossible".

    Meanwhile, Vigen Sargsyan, head of the presidential administration,
    insisted that plans to enter the Customs Union would neither block nor
    delay progress towards the association agreement, which is expected
    to be signed in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius in November.

    Republican politician Nikoyan said it should be possible to do both,
    given that free access to European markets would only come after ten
    to 15 years.

    "In any case, Europe mustn't slam the door shut," he said at the Media
    Centre debate. "Armenia believes that it needs to combine both these
    directions as far as is possible."

    The Republicans' coalition partner, Rule of Law, issued a statement
    backing the decision to join the Customs Union, in light of Armenia's
    strategic partnership with Russia. At the same time, it indicated
    that the EU was ultimately the better bet as a trading partner. The
    statement noted that Armenian exports to Russia, Belarus and Kazakstan
    combined added up to 290 million US dollars last year, compared with
    revenues of 560 million from sales to EU members.

    Opposition parties slammed the president's announcement, saying
    they believed it had done serious harm to future trade relations
    with Europe.

    The Free Democrats, for example, warned that "Armenia will lose
    important facets of its independence such as the opportunity to pursue
    an independent foreign policy and to function autonomously on financial
    and economic matters".

    The Dashnaktsyutun party concluded that the only reason the government
    had gone for the Customs Union membership must have been to secure
    pledges of Russian support for its own security and that of Nagorny
    Karabakh. Ever since becoming independent, Armenia has maintained
    strong security ties with Moscow because of its hostile relationship
    with Azerbaijan.

    Within hours of Sargsyan making his comments in Moscow, a Facebook
    group had formed calling itself "We are against Customs Union with
    Russia". A few hundred members gathered outside the president's
    offices in Yerevan to make their concerns heard on September 4 and
    again on September 10.

    In Armenia, few analysts saw Customs Union membership as unambiguously
    good news.

    "This was a strategic mistake, an important opportunity that has been
    lost," Richard Giragosian, director of the Regional Studies Centre
    in Yerevan said. "A major foreign policy error has been committed
    that places the entire future of reforms in doubt."

    Giragosian believes that the door to the EU is now "closed but not

    Sergei Minasyan, deputy director of the Caucasus Institute in Yerevan,
    was more optimistic, saying that Sargsyan's meeting with Putin did
    not amount to a "watershed in Armenia-EU relations".

    Arpi Harutyunyan is a correspondent for the Armnews website.
