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Meet Syria's Christians - And Learn What The West Gets Wrong About T

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  • Meet Syria's Christians - And Learn What The West Gets Wrong About T


    Sept 17 2013

    Brendan Behrmann

    For years there has been a discussion at the highest and the lowest
    levels of Western society about "saving Middle Eastern Christians."

    This discussion has left out the actual Christians of the region,
    who are busy charting their own political future. Particularly in
    the northern Middle Eastern nations of Syria, Lebanon, and Armenia,
    there appears to be an increasing conflict of interest brewing between
    Western interests and local Christian communities.

    In the ancient Syrian Christian village of Maaloula, Syrian army
    soldiers kiss their crucifixes and spout anti-Western rhetoric as
    they battle opposition fighters for control. Pro-government Christian
    militiamen have been battling the Free Syrian Army in Aleppo for a
    full year. In Lebanon, the largest Christian party's alliance with
    Hezbollah has been intact since 2006. And Armenia's long relationship
    with Iran has been deepening lately.

    The clearly paternalistic views of both former French Foreign Minister
    Alain Juppe and the infamous Islamophobe Pamela Geller, linked at the
    beginning of the article, blind them (and like-minded individuals)
    to the course of action taken by Christians in these countries. In an
    increasingly polarized region, Middle Eastern Christians are shifting
    their view to the east, where fellow regional minorities rule in Iran
    and Iraq; and to the north, where a newly assertive and increasingly
    Orthodox Russian voice rolls over the Caucasus mountains.

    These shifts are largely due to the changing nature of the Syrian
    opposition, the growth of Sunni Islamism in the wake of the Arab
    Spring, and in the case of Armenia, oil pipelines. Armenia is still
    smarting from its exclusion in the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which
    deepened "its political and economic isolation." This exclusion
    occurred due to the Nagaro-Karabakh conflict with neighboring
    Turkish-supported Azerbaijan and a joint Turkish-Azeri blockade
    of Armenia.

    Pipelines are a backdrop to the Syrian Civil War as well. A gasline
    from the South Pars/Northfield on the Iran/Qatar maritime border
    will be built. The proposed lines are Iran-Iraq-Syria and Qatar-Saudi
    Arabia-Jordan-Syria-Turkey. The Assad government chose the Iran-Iraq
    route, perhaps explaining the particularly high levels of support
    Turkey and Qatar are giving the Syrian opposition. Yerevan is looking
    to prevent further Turkish gains by supporting the Syrian government's
    attempt to block the Qatar-Turkey route.

    However, one cannot talk in absolutes when discussing entire groups
    of people. Of course there are Christians in these countries who take
    a different view. George Sabra, from a Christian family, was president
    of the opposition Syrian National Committee until recently. The smaller
    Phalangist Kataeb and Lebanese Forces parties both hold anti-Hezbollah
    and pro-Syrian opposition positions.

    These are not signs of a slowly dying, apolitical group with little
    power sitting on the sidelines - the caricature often trotted out by
    the mainstream media. These are the ways of a community determined
    to protect itself, its future, and its interests at any cost. The
    idea of a regional Christian decline is true only in proportional
    terms. But even proportionally, the Christian communities are still
    large - the percentages of Christians in Syria and African-Americans
    in the United States are roughly equal. As respected Middle East
    historian Juan Cole points out, "they [Mideastern Christians] are
    arguably more numerous in absolute terms than ever before." And this
    important community is looking to save itself.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress