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We Must Have Authorities Elected By The People, So Decisions Such As

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  • We Must Have Authorities Elected By The People, So Decisions Such As

    September 6, 2013

    "The decision to join the Customs Union doesn't mean that we have
    abandoned the European vector and that we have returned to the Soviet
    Union" stated Giro Manoyan, Head of the ARF-D International Secretariat
    during a press conference held on September 6, at "Noyan Tapan" press
    club. According to Manoyan the problem is that, it seems as if the
    decision was taken right there, in Moscow. "Even President Sargsyan's
    comments slightly differ from the official statements. At the press
    conference following the meeting, the President said "I expressed
    Armenia's desire" while at the statement of the two Presidents there is
    a reference to Armenia's decision. Nothing is said about who and where
    took this decision. What is wrong here is the way it was taken and
    not necessarily the decision itself, which in reality cannot deliver
    substantial results at this point. That is also the case with both
    EU's Association, and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA)
    Agreements which wouldn't immediately produce concrete results". The
    ARF-D member said that taking this decision doesn't mean that Armenia
    will be part of the Customs Union tomorrow or in a two-month time, reports.

    Manoyan expressed his dissatisfaction about the fact that Armenia's
    authorities didn't prepare neither the political parties nor the
    European Union, for the decision they made and that this may cause
    discontent from the latter's side. He stressed that had the authorities
    taken appropriate steps to inform, the public's wave of disappointment
    would have been lower.

    The decision to join the Customs Union must not stand on the way
    of the reforms that are necessary for the country as well as of the
    political and social integration with the European Union.

    Asked about whether he believes that entering the Customs Union would
    bring a change to the price of natural gas Manoyan said that he cannot
    comment on that since there is no such reference in the statement.

    Commenting on the view that wants Armenia's authorities to have taken
    the decision to join the CU merely to keep the power, Manoyan said
    that there is such a view and that there was a similar negotiation
    with the EU which concluded that the elections conducted in the
    country were good. "On this subject, the authorities' fault is that
    they do this on the account of the state and of the people" he added.

    In his opinion the important thing is not what the Russians, Kazakhs
    or the EU have to say but to have authorities elected by the people,
    so that decisions are not taken this way.

    There is an issue of maintaining the region's stability because any
    kind of attack by the USA would have unpredictable consequences,
    not only in Syria's case but for the entire region, said Manoyan in
    reference to the developments around Syria. "That instability should
    concern us. As for the Syrian Armenian community, it is clear that
    such operations would increase the dangers threatening its security".

    In regards to Arman Navasartyan's recent statement about calls
    to Syrian Armenians by a number of civic-political organizations,
    including the ARF-D, not to flee the country and risk the existence of
    the centuries-old community, Manoyan pointed out that ARF-D has never
    made that sort of calls and no-one has forced the Syrian Armenians
    to leave Syria, but the ARF-D has always stood on the side of the
    Syrian Armenians that wanted to settle in Armenia and has supported
    them in their efforts, in every possible way. Manoyan also reminded
    that the party has periodically sent financial aid to those caught
    in the fighting.

    Finally, Manoyan replied to questions in connection to offers made
    to ARF-D members to head diplomatic missions abroad. He repeated
    that Vahan Hovhannesyan has accepted the proposal to undertake the
    ambassadorship in a European country. "Many called this a step of
    denying own positions, and others rushed to judgments saying that ARF-D
    has been sold" said Manoyan and added that "it isn't normal passing
    early criticism" since many are only assuming that Vahan Hovhannesyan
    will implement Armenia's foreign policy. "If pressure is put on then it
    is never too late for one to pick up his things and leave the country,
    resigning from the Ambassador's office" concluded Manoyan.
