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Emboldened Baku Raises Voice Upon International Community?

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  • Emboldened Baku Raises Voice Upon International Community?


    September 17, 2013 - 19:00 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Baku's incessant bellicose statements prove a fact
    that hasn't been a secret to anyone - Azerbaijan hasn't the least
    intention to contribute to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement.

    Recent statement by Azerbaijani Defense Ministry spokesman proves
    the above-mentioned.

    Commenting on the demand of the international organizations to withdraw
    snipers from the line of contact, Eldar Sabiroglu said, "Azerbaijan
    refuses to do it. We won't be pulling snipers till the end of the war."

    International organizations, advocating the Nagornao Karabakh
    settlement have been demanding to withdraw snipers from 2011. The
    demand came from OSCE Minsk Group, among others, with co-chairs,
    as well as the Presidents of the co-chairing countries -Russia,
    France and U.S. - urging to pull snipers.

    Continuing Azeri provocations came as one of the reasons for the
    demand, with the formers leading to the death of Artsakh and Armenian
    servicemen, and peaceful population as well. Seems like Azerbaijan
    is blatantly ignoring the demand of superpowers, with the latters
    expecting to silently digest this affront as they did before.

    For many years, Azerbaijan has managed to go unpunished for hindering
    Karabakh conflict settlement efforts, ignoring urges to observe
    ceasefire, develop mechanisms of investigation of incidents at contact
    line, undermining peace talks, threatening a new war, purchasing
    inordinate amounts of weaponry in violation of international norms.

    Clearly, total impunity affects the ability to recognize limits,
    so this time, Baku chose not to wiggle as usual, when pretending to
    be ready to solve the conflict. This time, Azerbaijan raised its voice.

    What's the reason behind Azeri leadership's impudence? Might be,
    the oncoming presidential polls in the country, or slight cooling
    of Europe-Armenia relations following Yerevan's decision to join the
    Customs Union. So Baku used of the situation to push its agenda.

    Let's wait and see, whether Azeri impudence will be tolerated again or
    if the superpowers, ignored by Baku, will choose to put the insolent
    country in its place.

    Marina Ananikyan/PanARMENIAN.Net
