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'And Injustice For All': The Recent Attacks On Activists In Armenia

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  • 'And Injustice For All': The Recent Attacks On Activists In Armenia

    Monday, September 16th, 2013

    Activists have been gathering in front of Yerevan's municipal building
    on a daily basis in peaceful protest


    YEREVAN-For the past 20 days, activists in Yerevan have been staging
    protests against corruption, inflation, controversial construction
    plans, and President Serzh Sarkisian's recent decision to join the
    Russian-led Customs Union, among other issues. They have been met with
    violence, by both police officers and organized gangs on the streets.

    Observers claim the violent reactions have a common thread. The police
    say they are investigating the incidents, but activists are skeptical
    about the willingness of the authorities to reveal the perpetrators.

    Many protestors affiliated with anti-corruption organizations have
    taken to the streets to demand the resignation of two municipality
    members-Misak Hambardzumyan, the director of Yerevan Trans, and
    Henrik Navasardyan, the chief of the Transport Department-and the
    implementation of reforms to diminish widespread corruption. The calls
    for resignation are the ultimate manifestation of anti-corruption
    and anti-inflation sentiments among the activists, who continue their
    peaceful protests by gathering in front of the municipality building
    on a daily basis.

    Since the first days of the protests, during a period of two weeks
    between Aug. 22 and Sept. 5, there have been numerous life-threatening
    attacks against activists, including members of such organizations
    as Transparency International or the Anti-corruption Center. Many
    accuse the police of ignoring the reports filed by the victims, and
    failing to carry out proper investigations. One activist who had been
    detained by police on multiple occasions claimed they were acting in a
    systemized and predetermined manner. The attacks reportedly have some
    similarities: They occurred during the night. The victims reported that
    once they left the protest scene (the vicinity of the municipality
    building) and were a few streets away, a group of 5-10 men-clad in
    the same black uniform and armed with blackjacks-approached and asked
    whether they had taken part in the municipality protests. After getting
    a positive response, the victims were beaten for a couple of minutes.

    To cite a few examples, on Sept. 5, political activists Haygag
    Arshamyan and Suren Saghatelyan were attacked by a group of eight men,
    resulting in serious injuries, including swelling and nose fractures.

    Another case was reported by 21-year-old Arman Aleksanyan, who was
    attacked and beaten, with an injury to his head, on the night of Sept.

    4. Many other protestors, such as Anushavan Krikorian, Mihran
    Markarian, Papken Der-Krikorian, and Mikayel Donoyan, were similarly
    attacked and injured during recent days.

    Most of the victims claim there is a direct correlation between the
    perpetrated attacks and the police department's reluctance to arrest
    the criminals. Argishti Kiviryan, the editor of Armenia Today and a
    civil activist, told the press that the government in Armenia is using
    its two main pillars-the police and the criminal world-to break the
    emerging civil activism. Others have voiced their loss of trust in
    the police, while some have warned that they will resort to private
    means of self-defense.

    What has perplexed activists is the fact that most of the victims
    say the attacks took place on streets with security cameras, leading
    some to believe the police are concealing the sequence of attacks. The
    above-mentioned municipality members are seen as the primary culprits
    behind the aggression and the attacks. "I have no guarantees today that
    while walking in the streets of Yerevan some people won't approach me
    and subject me to some kind of violence. I am dealing with political
    persecution in terms of my professional and public activities. It
    can't be defined as anything else," said Kiviryan.

    Meanwhile, tensions increased between the authorities and protesters
    when President Sarkisian announced Armenia's decision to join a
    Russian-led economic union on Sept. 3. The news led to widespread
    condemnation and complaints on behalf of political parties and NGO's
    who see the move as a violation of basic democratic principles. In
    a Sept. 6 press conference, Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF)
    political affairs director Giro Manoyan emphasized that a government
    elected by its own people must not take such decisions without the
    consent or even the approval of its people and of parliament. In the
    days that followed, protesters gathered at the presidential palace
    to voice opposition to Armenia's membership in the Custom's Union.

    On Sept. 6, demonstrators also gathered outside the Republican Party
    headquarters to protest Sarkisian's decision, which they saw as an
    attempt to restore the Soviet Union. Police reportedly outnumbered
    the journalists and protesters on the scene. Talking to reporters,
    Levon Barseghyan said activists are displeased that the public was
    not sufficiently informed of the details of the agreement with the
    Custom's Union. Clashes between police and activists continued when
    the latter attempted to continue their demonstration outside of the
    Presidential Palace. Several people were detained.

    In light of the ongoing violence, Denis Krivosheev, the Europe and
    Central Asia deputy program director of Amnesty International, said
    in a press release that the Armenian government must ensure that
    the work of the activists is carried out without any obstacles and
    interference. Kriovsheev concluded that an impartial investigation
    must proceed in order to bring the perpetrators to justice.

    The police force of a given government has the duty to provide
    protection against any aggression that may endanger the life of
    its citizens. Yet, we are witnessing the exact opposite in Armenia,
    where the police are supporting the interests of the ruling elite
    at the expense of all other citizens. Are we witnessing a return to
    the Hobbesian state of nature, where-in the absence of justice and
    a law enforcer-each person is obliged to resort to personal means to
    defend himself?
