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6 Azerbaijani Terrorists Liquidated In Syria In Past Few Days

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  • 6 Azerbaijani Terrorists Liquidated In Syria In Past Few Days


    18:08 17/09/2013 " SOCIETY

    More than 30 terrorists from foreign countries were liquidated in
    Syria during combats against government forces in past few days.

    Eliminated terrorists fought with "Al Nusra Front." There were 6
    citizens from Azerbaijan, 4 from Turkey, 5 from Jordan, 9 from Saudi
    Arabia, as well as citizens of Afghanistan and Pakistan, reports
    "APA" Azerbaijani news agency referring to "Mujahideen websites."

    It is stated in the material that an Azerbaijani citizen nicknamed
    "Abu Yahya" was eliminated during the battles in Syrian city of
    Hama on September 13. He led an Azerbaijani-composed unit, which
    was included in the "Muhajir and Ansar" group. It is reported that
    another 4 Azerbaijanis were liquidated in the same battle.

    "APA" notes that according to the information received in the
    beginning of August of the current year, more than 60 Azerbaijanis
    participated in battles against Syrian government forces as members
    of various groups.

    "Faktxeber" Azerbaijani portal writes that "Abu Yahya," who was
    recently eliminated in Syria, used to live in Sumgait (Azerbaijan).

    His name is Nijat, while Yahya is his son's name.

    "Abu Yahya al-Azeri" was a representative of a religious group called
    "Sumgait Jamaat," writes the portal with a link to "Yeni Musavat"
    newspaper. He used to live in Sumgait around 3-4 years ago. Yahya
    is the name of his son. Before being liquidated, "Abu-Yahya" led
    a group of Azerbaijani terrorists included in the brigade called
    "troops of Muhajir and Ansar," the head of which was commander Omar
    Shishani. The majority of Azerbaijani terrorists, who fought in Syria,
    are members of the given brigade.

    The statement notes that the illegal brigade was torn into three
    parts because of internal conflicts; one of the groups assembled
    around a Chechen commander with a nickname "Saifullah," another one
    gathered around an Avar commander with a nickname "Abu Banat." They
    say a few days ago "Abu Yahya" was seriously injured and lost both
    feet in a battle around Hama. It is reported that Shishani brigade
    mainly fought around Aleppo. Another two brigades fought against
    Assad in Hama, Homs, and Idlib.

    In the last period of time the media reported about a number of deaths
    of Azerbaijani terrorists in Syria. In early April, the Turkish sites
    have reported that about 30 terrorists from Azerbaijan have already
    been killed in Syria. According to the Azerbaijani conflict scientist
    Arif Yunus more than 300 Islamists from Azerbaijan are fighting in
    Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, according to Arif Yunus and
    the "Facthaber" portal, over 100 Azerbaijani terrorists are fighting
    in Syria. Azerbaijani terrorists had even placed an online video-record
    calling for "jihad."

    Recall that the relationship between international terrorist groups and
    Azerbaijan originated in the early 1990s. That time, the Azerbaijani
    army, having failed in the aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic (NKR), retreated with losses. Trying to save the situation,
    the Azerbaijani leadership, headed by Heydar Aliyev attracted to the
    war against the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh international terrorists
    and members of radical groups from Afghanistan (groupings of Gulbuddin
    Hekmatyar), Turkey ("Grey Wolves", etc.), Chechnya (groupings Basayev
    and Raduyev etc.) and some other regions.

    Despite the involvement in of thousands of foreign mercenaries and
    terrorists in the Azerbaijani army during the war, the Azerbaijani
    aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh Republic failed, and the Baku
    authorities were forced to sign an armistice with the NKR and Armenia.

    However, international terrorists found ties in Azerbaijan, and used
    them in the future. Recruitment was conducted among Azerbaijanis,
    who then were sent to Afghanistan and the North Caucasus, where
    participated in the battles against the forces of the international
    coalition and Russian organizations.

    In recent years, the citizens of Azerbaijan are actively involved in
    terrorist and extremist activities in Russia, Afghanistan and Syria.

    In Azerbaijan the citizens are brought to criminal liability for
    participating in "illegal armed groups" in Afghanistan, sentenced to
    minor terms of imprisonment.

