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Will CSTO Planes Land At Stepanakert Airport

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  • Will CSTO Planes Land At Stepanakert Airport


    On September 23 the presidents of CSTO members will come together
    in Sochi to discuss issues relating to enlargement of the military
    component of this organization. Creation of air force is one of the
    priority issues. The secretary of the National Security Council Arthur
    Baghdasaryan announced that the creation of CSTO forces is essential
    to the security of Armenia.

    Armenia thus hopes to compensate the advantage of Azerbaijan in
    aviation. Armenia almost hopes that one of the air bases of CSTO will
    be located in Yerevan, and Russian modern units will be brought to
    Armenia under the flag of the CSTO.

    However, it is questioned whether the CSTO air forces will be based
    in Yerevan. There is an interesting circumstance - the airport of
    Stepanakert. It was built for civil flights but Azerbaijan would not
    agree on its operation, while the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs are not
    in a hurry to calm Azerbaijan down.

    It is possible that the airport of Stepanakert is, nevertheless,
    viewed as a military infrastructure. Military planes may take off
    and land in Stepanakert.

    The airport of Stepanakert is viewed as the missing link for foreign
    intervention in the possible war to land peacekeepers in Artsakh
    rapidly. Interestingly, only occupation forces may appear under that
    name which will be deployed in the area of Artsakh to establish the
    military and political dominance of a great power, not leaving Artsakh
    to Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    The area of Artsakh has geopolitical importance, and the one who
    dominates there dominates the entire Caucasus and ensures a wonderful
    foothold in the adjunct region. The geopolitical role of Armenia
    grows considerably.

    The West offers Armenia partnership, avoiding direct influence on
    Artsakh and exercising control through Armenia within the framework
    of the general process, values and concepts, while Russia does not
    offer Armenia anything but blackmail and threats.

    In this regard, the creation of the CSTO air force may actually come
    one step closer to the airport of Stepanakert with all the ensuing

    In addition, it is clear why Russia prefers direct, vertical influence
    in both foreign relations and domestic affairs. It is just a matter of
    technology. The mechanism of horizontal influence requires civilization
    achievements and technologies which are missing in Russia's internal
    and external relations, leaving no alternatives to the expired
    vertical tactics.

    However, expired tactics, like expired shells, are usually more
    dangerous because they are ignored and treated as something

    By the way, two Armenian minors were killed by such shells scattered
    at the polygon of the Russian military base in Armenia.

    Hakob Badalyan 11:32 19/09/2013 Story from News:
