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We Need Extra Efforts For Stimulating Armenian-Indian Economic Ties:

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  • We Need Extra Efforts For Stimulating Armenian-Indian Economic Ties:

    18:49, 18 September, 2013

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 18, ARMENPRESS: Deputy foreign affairs minister of
    the Republic of Armenia Sergey Manaseryan's interview to "Armenpress"
    news agency.

    - We are informed that the next 6th session of ArmenianIndian
    inter-governmental committee will be held in Delhi.

    How will you estimate current level of Armenian-Indian relations?

    - When describing Armenian-Indian relations it is necessary to mention
    at first that they have rich historical past. About historical and
    cultural relations has been spoken and written a lot and I think
    that these themes still need to be studied. One thing is obvious:
    on this favorable ground have been built relations between Republics
    of Armenia and India.

    During past periods several high-level visits and meetings took place,
    close cooperation was held between foreign ministries of two countries,
    diplomatic representations of Armenia and India function actively in
    Delhi and Yerevan. By the way, in parallel with intergovernmental
    committee's session in Delhi will be held political consultations
    between foreign ministries which have the aim to summarize results of
    political contacts and outline the future joint steps. I would like
    to mention that visits of chairman of Armenian National Assembly
    and minister of education and science to India are planned during
    this year.

    As it is known in several leading Armenian universities learn students
    from India and official contacts of educational sphere responsible
    persons greatly help to raise the efficiency of exchanges. In framework
    of Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC)

    during these years state officials and specialists from Armenian
    various ministries and organizations passed trainings in India.

    - To development of which sphere is directed Indian technical support?

    It is known that in 2011 in support of Indian side in Yerevan was
    opened Armenian-Indian center for Excellence in Information and
    Communication Technologies.

    - During past years India provided humanitarian and technical
    support to our country among which specially should be mentioned
    the agricultural techniques provided to Armenian agricultural
    sphere in 2005-2006 as well as the program of creation of computer
    halls in Armenian regions implemented under joint efforts of Indian
    embassy in Armenia and "Hayastan" All Armenian Fund. By the end of
    2012 such halls have been opened in 72 schools of Tavush region. At
    present implementation if such program is prepared in Lori region. Of
    course the implementation of these programs is greatly supported by
    Armenian-Indian center for Excellence in Information and Communication
    Technologies which was officially opened in November of 2011 in
    framework of India's minister of Communication and Information
    Technology Sachin Pilot's visit to the Republic of Armenia.

    I should inform with satisfaction that during this short period the
    Center has implemented large-scale work. Among functions of the Center
    is the development of high-speed computer technologies, implementation
    of joint research programs, organization of educational lessons and
    exchange of specialists, business meetings, seminars and contests.

    It is the only organization in the region which has super-computer
    "Param" produced in India (Param Super-Computer). With the help of
    that computer are implemented 15 scientific-research programs, in the
    center teach 8 Armenian specialists which were trained in India and
    around 300 seminars have been organized. There was made arrangement
    with Indian side on organizing visits of Armenian specialist to
    India. The support given by Indian side is greatly favorable for
    development of above-mentioned spheres and we are grateful to our
    Indian friends for that.

    - What prospects has Armenian-Indian cooperation in other fields?

    - Before reverberating to practical spheres I would like to mention
    that between our countries close contacts are held in humanitarian
    spheres. Lately "Sugar and Spice" dance ensemble arrived from Mumbai
    and performed in Armenia. Cultural events make our nations more
    perceptible for each other both by introducing modern folk arts and
    creating friendship ties between our youth. I would also like to
    reverberate to one more moment: in august of current year Ministry
    of healthcare of the Republic of Armenia applied to embassy of India
    in Yerevan asking to find medicine for children who were ill with
    Thalassemia and due to active support of the embassy the medicine
    was brought to Armenia in a short period.

    Speaking about prospects of trade-economic cooperation I should
    mention that we have yet many things to do. During last years the
    volume of turnover between Armenia and India was 70 million USD
    and goods imported from India form the major part of it. We need
    extra efforts for involvement of investments from India to Armenia
    and stimulation of export of Armenian goods to India. At present in
    participation of all interested Armenian departments are held active
    works for making the coming session of inter-governmental committee
    more practical and efficient.
