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Jordan King Urges China'S Role In Resolving Syria Conflict

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  • Jordan King Urges China'S Role In Resolving Syria Conflict


    September 18, 2013 - 12:07 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Jordan's King Abdullah called on China to play an
    active role in resolving the conflict in Syria, saying Wednesday, Sept
    18, that Beijing should use its influence as a permanent member of the
    UN Security Council and as a "friend of Jordan and the Middle East."

    According to the Associated Press, Abdullah made his appeal in his
    opening remarks at a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping during
    a state visit to China. He also praised relations between the two
    countries and emphasized a common commitment to promoting progress
    on global issues of concern.

    "It is in that spirit that I am here today to discuss with you as
    a key member of the United Nations Security Council and a friend
    of Jordan and the Middle East, ways and means of achieving peace,
    stability, civility and prosperity in our region through an active
    role in the (Israel-Palestine) peace process as well as that of the
    Syrian conflict," Abdullah said.

    Reporters were ushered from the room following Abdullah's remarks
    and it wasn't clear how Xi responded, the AP says.

    However, in his own opening remarks, the Chinese president stressed
    the friendship between the two countries and said he looked forward
    to in-depth talks on "regional and international issues of mutual

    Beijing has called for a negotiated political settlement to the more
    than two-year-old conflict in Syria. It has joined Russia in blocking
    moves at the United Nations that could lead to the regime's removal -
    leading to criticism from the U.S. and others that the two countries
    were prolonging a conflict that has left 100,000 people dead and more
    than 2 million displaced.

    Despite that, China has sought to play a bigger role in the Middle East
    as part of efforts to stand among leading nations in helping shape
    world events. Abdullah is just the latest in a string of Middle East
    leaders to visit Beijing, and China has frequently dispatched diplomats
    to the region to nurture ties with all parties, including Israel.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress