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A Stroll Through Yerevan On Independence Day

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  • A Stroll Through Yerevan On Independence Day

    Thursday, September 19th, 2013


    Saturday September 21, is Armenian Independence Day, which I'd say
    holds a special place in the hearts of all Armenians. It certainly does
    for me. The day signifies an important milestone, the realization of
    a dream held for generations that suddenly and unexpectedly happened
    22 years ago after the fall of the Soviet Union.

    This year I'm going to celebrate Armenian Independence Day here in
    Glendale, but last year I had the great opportunity to be in the
    beautiful city of Yerevan. It was a crisp Friday morning, around 77F.

    What I had always heard is definitely true: the best time to visit
    Yerevan is at the end of September. Indeed, it was so enjoyable to
    walk along the wide sidewalks. The city absolutely sparkled with
    newly refurbished sidewalks and streets. Everything looked so fresh.

    I had guests who were visiting Armenia. It was a perfect day to stroll
    along the streets of Yerevan and show them all the sites. The mature
    sycamore trees lining the main streets were shining in the sunlight
    and everything looked so clean and effervescent. The tricolor flags
    had been hoisted all over the city and along the streets just a few
    days earlier. The sight of them made my blood boil.

    We started from Freedom Square, where the Opera is. We took a few
    pictures of the tricolor flags set in the center of the square and
    waving gracefully in the wind. Then we proceeded to the Opera, where
    I wanted to check at the box office about upcoming cultural events.

    >From the Opera, we passed by a few cafes and then came to Swan's Lake.

    We took photos of the lake and the swans swimming there. Then we took
    a few more photos of the abstract statue of Arno Babajanian playing
    piano. I was full of pride - as if I owned the city.

    >From Swan Lake, we made our way through the newly-constructed
    pedestrian Northern Avenue to Republic Square where last-minute
    preparations were underway for the evening celebration. A light show
    and a concert were expected to bring thousands to the square.

    Walking along Northern Avenue, we encountered a full throttle of
    Independence Day spirit. There we met groups of young people, marching
    with flags wrapped around their shoulders or hoisted in their hands.

    They were chanting upbeat patriotic slogans, and the sound carried
    across the street.

    A scene from Yerevan on Independence Day

    It was so heartwarming to see those kids, our next generation of
    leaders, keeping the spirit of the Day alive. I had imagined they
    had no idea how dear Independence Day was to us. For centuries,
    under different rulers, we had strived to regain our independence,
    and now we have it.

    Most people were wearing either tricolor or orange shirts. Young women
    were wearing fashionable tricolor headbands. Most carried small flags
    in their hands. It seemed everyone in the city had come outside for
    the celebration. I met some friends that had traveled long distances
    to be there for the occasion.

    We sat at a cafe to have a bite. My eyes traveled to all corners
    of the street, soaking in the spirit of the day. Young artists were
    painting tricolor tattoos on young peoples' arms or faces. The charge
    was 200 dram (50 cents). I regretted that I didn't purchase one.

    More than not having a tattoo, I regretted that we had missed standing
    outside on Northern Avenue during early morning hours when the state
    philharmonic orchestra and state academic choir had put together a
    "flash-mob" concert. But, thanks to YouTube, we can still have the
    pleasure of listening to it.

    That's how the laid-back city of Yerevan, last year, celebrated
    Independence Day.
