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We Need Extra Efforts To Stimulate Armenian-Indian Economic Cooperat

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  • We Need Extra Efforts To Stimulate Armenian-Indian Economic Cooperat


    18:49, 18 September, 2013

    September 18, 2013 YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 18, ARMENPRESS: Deputy Foreign
    Affairs Minister of the Republic of Armenia Sergey Manasaryan's
    interview to "Armenpress" news agency.

    - We have been informed that the next 6th session of Armenian-Indian
    inter-governmental committee will be held in Delhi. What is your
    assessment of the current level of Armenian-Indian relations?

    - When describing Armenian-Indian relations it is necessary to mention
    first that these relations have rich historical past. Much has been
    said and written about historical and cultural links between our
    two nations , however in my view these subject needs to be further
    studied. One thing is obvious: these links set the favorable ground,
    upon which the relations between newly independent Armenia and the
    Republic of India started to grow and develop.

    During the past period several high-level visits and meetings took
    place, the foreign ministries of two countries established close
    cooperation with diplomatic representations of Armenia and India
    functioning actively in Delhi and Yerevan. By the way, during our
    visit to Delhi policy consultations between foreign ministries will
    take take place concurrently , where we will summarize the results of
    political contacts and outline the future joint steps. I would like
    to mention that visits of the President of the RA National Assembly
    and the Minister of Education and Science to India in the course of
    this year are already planned.

    As it is known, several leading Armenian universities host students
    from India, and contacts of relevant responsible officials contribute
    greatly to the increased efficiency of these exchanges. In framework
    of Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC) public
    servants and specialists from Armenia's various ministries and
    organizations passed trainings in India.

    -Which spheres receive Indian technical support primarily? It is
    known that in 2011 with support of the Indian side Armenian-Indian
    center for Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies
    was opened in Yerevan.

    - During past years India provided various humanitarian and technical
    support to our country, among which the agricultural techniques
    provided to Armenian agricultural sphere in 2005-2006, as well as the
    program of creation of computer classes in Armenian regions implemented
    under joint efforts of Indian embassy in Armenia and "Hayastan" All
    Armenian Fund . By the end of 2012 such halls have been opened in 72
    schools of Tavush region should be specially mentioned.

    At present a similar program is being worked out for Lori marz. Of
    course the implementation of these programs was greatly facilitated by
    Armenian-Indian center for Excellence in Information and Communication
    Technologies which opened in November 2011 during the visit of India's
    Minister of Communication and Information Technology Sachin Pilot
    to Armenia.

    I would like to note with satisfaction that during this short period
    the Center has implemented large-scale work. Among its functions are
    the development of high-speed computer technologies, implementation
    of joint research programs, organization of educational lessons and
    exchange of specialists, business meetings, seminars and contests. It
    is the only organization in the region which has the"Param"
    super-computer produced in India. More than 15 scientific-research
    projects have been conducted on this computer, with the help of 8
    Armenian specialists trained in India , and around 300 seminars have
    been organized. An arrangement was made to organize simlar visits of
    Armenian specialists from Gyumri Technopark to India. Naturally, the
    support of the Indian side is highly appreciated, it is favourable
    for development of the mentioned spheres and we are grateful to our
    Indian friends for that.

    - What prospects Armenian-Indian cooperation has in other practical

    - Before moving on to practical interaction, let me briefly touch
    upon the contacts in humanitarian fields, where our countries closely
    cooperate. Recently a Boliwood "Sugar and Spice" dance troupe performed
    in Armenia. Cultural events deepen the mutual understading between our
    nations both by introducing modern folk arts and creating friendship
    ties between our youth. I would also like to mention another episode -,
    that happened this August. The Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic
    of Armenia applied to the Embassy of India in Yerevan, requesting
    its help in securing medicine for a Armenian children who suffer from
    Thalassemia and due to the active support of the Embassy the medicine
    was brought to Armenia in a short period.

    Speaking about prospects of trade and economic cooperation I should
    mention that much is to be done yet. During last years the volume
    of turnover between Armenia and India stayed around 70 million USD,
    with imports from India making its major part. We need extra efforts
    to attract investments from India to Armenia and stimulate the exports
    of Armenian goods to India. At present, with the participation of the
    relevant ministries and agencies wea are wroking to make the coming
    session of inter-governmental committee more practical and efficient.

    © 2009

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress