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Baku Repeating Mistakes: Yet Another Resolution To Be Shelved

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  • Baku Repeating Mistakes: Yet Another Resolution To Be Shelved


    September 19, 2013 - 17:30 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijan has, yet again, submitted draft
    resolutions 'Situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan' and
    'Ongoing conflicts in the GUAM area and their impact on international
    peace, security and development' to be discussed at the 68th session
    of the UN General Assembly, the country's Foreign Ministry said.

    In reality, it's mush simpler: the resolutions that haven't been passed
    at previous UN sessions are automatically included into the agenda of
    the next session, and so on. Especially resolutions that are likely
    to be supported by Muslim countries only. To remind, Azerbaijan is a
    non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, though the country
    hasn't distinguished itself in the least on this post, except with
    empty words and absence of clear policy on Israeli-Palestinian issue
    and Syria crisis.

    It must be for this very reason that Baku believes it can submit any
    resolutions, even the most absurd ones to the UN General Assembly. At
    times it seems like Karabakh conflict is the only issue on Baku's
    foreign policy agenda. Yes, sometimes Azeri delegation does vote for
    some resolution, with the decision dictated by the representatives of
    the Islamic world. Here, the example with backing Palestine is quite
    notable. Surely, one can buy weaponry from Israel but supporting it
    at UN would be out of question.

    But back to the resolutions. In themselves, they cannot decide
    anything, nor do they gratify the pride of Azeri Foreign Ministry,
    which finds more pleasure in blacklisting people and declaring
    Azerbaijan the country of a victorious democracy. Same as the USSR -
    the country of victorious socialism. UN, however, is turning into
    an increasingly amorphous and non-constructive organization, with no
    one to benefit from its resolutions.

    The destiny of resolutions proudly mentioned by Baku is unenviable -
    they'll again be shelved till the next year. But even if the actual
    vote takes place, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs - U.S., France and
    Russia will vote against it, as they did in 2008. Back then, the
    co-chairs thought the Azeri-submitted resolution to be 'unilateral'
    and detrimental to peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict.

    Baku would do well to recall the events that occurred five years ago
    and not submit the already failed resolution. However, as proved by
    recent events, common sense is turning into an unaffordable luxury
    for Azeri Foreign Ministry.

    Karine Ter-Sahakian / PanARMENIAN.Net

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress