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Family Boycotts Retrial For Murder Of Turkish-Armenian Journalist

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  • Family Boycotts Retrial For Murder Of Turkish-Armenian Journalist


    Sept 20 2013

    By: Yavuz Baydar for Al-Monitor Turkey Pulse Posted on September 20.

    It was an assassination that left an extraordinary mark on the
    Turkish judiciary, justice and public conscience. So did the tragedy
    it symbolized. With the case of Hrant Dink returned to ground zero
    six years after the murder, the victim's family lost its patience in
    an open letter.

    Hrant Dink, editor of the weekly Agos, the voice of Turkey's Armenian
    community, was gunned down on Jan. 19, 2007, in a busy Istanbul
    street by a young man named Ogun Samast. The murder reverberated
    beyond Turkey's borders in a matter of hours.

    Dink was the 62nd journalist to be killed in Turkey since a libertarian
    constitution was introduced in 1908. Yet, because of his Armenian
    background and much-admired courage, along with the reform process
    Turkey was undergoing, his murder trial, which opened in July 2007,
    became the most significant litmus test for Turkish justice.

    Exasperated by a spate of murky political murders in the 1980s and
    1990s, and encouraged by government statements, the Turkish public
    saw in the trial a "threshold of hope."

    The Dink family hoped that the judicial process would uncover the
    assailant's links to "shady deep state" mechanisms - a "terrorist
    organization" structure - that they believed was behind the murder.

    In the months leading up to the assassination, Dink stood trial three
    times for "insulting Turkishness," under the infamous Article 301 of
    the penal code, and was convicted in two of the cases. He was summoned
    to the Istanbul governor's office, where members of the intelligence
    service, MIT, "cautioned" him over Agos stories. Shortly before his
    murder, far-right types were spotted around the Agos office, and the
    newspaper was flooded with threats to "shut up."

    The case of his murder gradually transformed into a tussle between the
    judges and the Dink family's legal team as evidence was presented and
    rejected and the process dragged on. Many of the requests by the Dink
    lawyers were either turned down or lost in the labyrinth of red tape.

    After six years, the case wrapped up with 18 convictions for "ordinary

    The Supreme Court of Appeals has now deepened the family's tragedy,
    overturning the lower court's rulings and ordering a review of the
    case. It rejected the argument that a "state-harbored terrorist
    organization" was behind Dink's murder, holding that the suspects
    should be retried on charges of belonging to an ordinary criminal
    organization, that is, a mafia-style enterprise.

    In a dramatic move, Dink's devastated wife and children released an
    open letter to the Turkish public and international audience.

    "As the Dink Family, we will no longer be a tool in the game of state
    structures that insults us and will not attend the hearings of the
    review of the murder case," the letter stated. It further read, "Since
    the slaying of Hrant Dink on January 19, 2007, the system in Turkey -
    with its judiciary, security forces, military and civilian bureaucracy,
    and political institutions - has all but mocked us. While pretending
    to pursue justice, the criminal alliance called the state re-committed
    the murder day by day, hearing by hearing, over and over again. This
    alliance is the very crime syndicate that planned the murder and then
    covered it up. ... No effective investigation was conducted at any
    stage of this case. The biggest insult, however, came from the court
    when it ruled that no organization was involved in the murder."

    The Dink's letter leveled harsh criticism at the government of the
    Justice and Development Party (AKP): "In this case, political will was
    the only thing necessary to uncover the state's murder mechanisms and
    the criminal alliance. Despite all its public statements and pledges,
    the government persistently refrained from displaying political will.

    Far from pursuing the case as a 'matter of honor,' the government chose
    to use the murder - perpetrated during its own rule - as a trump card
    to prosecute offenders only when the gun was pointed at itself.

    It boasted, 'No murder has remained unresolved during our term,'
    ignoring the slaying of the only Armenian in republican history who
    had waged a vocal struggle for human rights. We are no longer part
    of this show. We have no expectation from anything in which the state
    is either in front of or behind the curtain."

    Last week, one of the Dink family's attorneys, Fethiye Cetin,
    published Utanc Duyuyorum (I Feel Ashamed), a book recounting how
    the case proceeded. She argues that it is extremely unlikely that
    justice will prevail unless public pressure cranks up.

    Cetin complains of apathy on the part of the powerful Istanbul Bar
    Association because of Dink's Armenian heritage. She also argues that
    the prosecutor, Zekeriya Oz, known for investigating coup networks,
    such as Ergenekon, was hampered by the "deep state" and that collusion
    between the state and the elected government was instrumental in
    covering up the murder. The book provides a detailed accounting of
    these arguments.

    An analysis published Sept. 19 by Radikal, which has closely followed
    the case, contained a startling assessment: "All public servants
    suspected of involvement or negligence in the murder have been
    promoted. [Former Istanbul governor] Muammer Guler became interior
    minister, while [former Istanbul police chief] Celalettin Cerrah
    was appointed governor of Osmaniye. The then-Trabzon police chief,
    Ramazan Akyurek, and Engin Dinc succeeded each other in ascending to
    the helm of the police's intelligence department. Avni Usta, who had
    filed the criminal complaint against Dink under Article 301, became
    the police chief of Sirnak. Nihat Omeroglu and Muhittin Mihcak, who
    were instrumental in the Appeals Court's decision to uphold Dink's
    conviction under Article 301, were elected public ombudsman and
    deputy public ombudsman, respectively. The head of the appeals court,
    Hasan Gerceker, ascended to the Arbitration Board, and Hasan Erbil to
    the chief prosecutor's office. ... The [implicated] policemen never
    appeared before court. And the investigation into public servants
    continues under the veil of secrecy."

    Dink devoted his life to trying to improve the conditions of Turkey's
    70,000-strong Armenian minority, the normalization of ties between
    Turkey and Armenia, Ankara's recognition of the great Armenian tragedy
    in 1915 and rapprochement between Turkey and the Armenian diaspora.

    With the seventh anniversary of his murder approaching, there is
    no visible progress in any of these areas. Similarly, there is no
    mention of Armenians in ongoing speculation about the prospective
    democratization package, whose official announcement has been postponed
    until late September. The only positive development so far has been
    the return of about one-fourth of the properties the state had seized
    from non-Muslim minorities.

    The Armenians are divided over AKP rule. Some complain about the slow
    pace of reform, while others refrain from criticizing the government
    on the grounds that they are better off compared to in the past. On
    the political front, Turkish-Armenian normalization remains "on the
    shelf." The issue has moved down on Turkey's foreign affairs agenda,
    now overwhelmed by the Middle East, and there is no sign of when it
    will be taken up again.

    In the meantime, the 100th anniversary, in 2015, of the Armenian
    deportations is approaching. The current inertia is of no help in
    dispelling the mistrust of the Armenian diaspora. One does not have to
    be clairvoyant to see that the course of the Dink murder case will be
    of crucial significance for those who expect a multifaceted opening
    in Turkey's ossified Armenian problem.

    Yavuz Baydar is a contributing writer for Al-Monitor's Turkey Pulse. A
    journalist since 1979, he has been a radio reporter, news presenter,
    producer, TV host, foreign correspondent, debater and, in recent
    years, a news ombudsmen for the daily Sabah. His opinion pieces can
    be followed in the English-language daily Today's Zaman.
