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Serzh Sargsyan: Armenian State means realization of the Armenian dre

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  • Serzh Sargsyan: Armenian State means realization of the Armenian dre

    Serzh Sargsyan: Armenian State means realization of the Armenian dream
    20:01 21.09.2013

    On the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of Independence of the
    Republic of Armenia, President Serzh Sargsyan today at the Karen
    Demirjian Sport and Concert Complex invited a festive
    reception,President's Press Office reports. At the reception, the
    President of Armenia made a congratulatory address on the occasion of
    Independence Day.

    Congratulatory Address by President Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of
    Independence Day

    Your Holiness,
    Distinguished President of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh,
    My Fellow Compatriots,
    Distinguished Guests,
    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of Independence Day.

    In the past twenty-two years, we have been traveling a new road, which
    has often appeared narrow and rocky just as our mountain pathways. We
    have been moving forward cautiously and prudently because we carry
    great responsibility on our shoulders. The is the Armenia of Orontids
    and Artaxiads, this is the Armenia of Arsacids and Bagratids, this is
    the Republic of Armenia of the beginning of the previous century, this
    is the Armenia which has already entered the third millennium After

    Our path is full of ups and downs but it is our way. We are besieged
    from right and left; sometimes defiant, sometimes vexed, we
    nevertheless are moving forward towards the light. We will bring back
    all those whom at times we have not been able to keep by our side. We
    will reinstate all our losses and will leave all privations behind. We
    will look back and register with pride that together we have passed
    gingerly the only possible narrow pathway. We should have no doubts
    about that.

    My Fellow Compatriots,

    For a long time our nation was compelled to solve not development but
    primarily existential problems. Today, the task has changed: now we
    are calling to life projects which are dealing with the strengthening
    and development of the Armenian Statehood. Certainly, security is the
    number one priority for everyone in this world, and we are no
    exception. Security-related issues will always be in the focus of our
    attention, just as they are today. We are constantly searching for
    ways to boost our economy, and we have achieved certain results. We
    are setting goals to expand the borders of possible, so that each year
    with a precise regularity we are able to increase salaries and
    pensions. Along the way, we are carrying out our reforms, which
    provide steady development for stronger democracy, good governance,
    the rule of law, and progress in all other areas. Our policies are
    directed towards these objectives.

    The stance of the Armenian authorities and our society is clear-cut.
    We have had enough of wars, perturbations, abrupt U-turns and
    adventurism. We need unfailing defense, peaceful work and sustainable
    development, and we are doing just that. Perhaps a little slowly,
    perhaps with some slip-ups along the way but definitely not when it
    comes to the most important issues and definitely not when it comes to
    fateful decisions.

    Armenian State means realization of the Armenian dream - this is the
    greatest symbolism of today's holiday. The re-establishment of our
    independence in 1991 made our nation's centuries-long dream come true.
    Our brothers and sisters in Diaspora and, first and foremost, the
    citizens of Armenia nourish and make part of their own dream, which
    came true. Are we able to raise our dream fulfilled to new heights in
    the contemporary world? Yes, we are, if we neither underestimate, nor
    overestimate our capabilities. For one who is traveling down a rocky
    pathway it is absolutely crucial to evaluate painstakingly each step
    along the way.

    The Orontids' Armenia and the Artaxiads' Armenia were manifestations
    of Armenian dream. Today, the situation is quite different, and we
    have quite another country. This is a new reality which our people
    started to create fighting and defending ourselves while relying on a
    substantial legacy inherited from the Soviet Armenia. A glance back
    reveals the huge distance we have already covered and enormous risks
    we have avoided. It also inspires us with hope that we can accelerate
    our advancement. Every offspring of the Armenia nation has a mission
    to be accomplished in this process. If anyone has not learned it yet,
    it is high time to do so.

    My Fellow Compatriots,

    Independence is an objective and daily routine at the same time. It
    has to be conquered every day through living, adopting decisions and
    implementing them as free citizens of independent Armenia. We are
    living in a free country, and can discuss anything we want to. One
    thing, however, is unalterable under any circumstance: the sovereignty
    of the Republic of Armenia. It is a dream and duty fulfilled, which is
    always with us. This is a feast that we inherited paying the price
    with our heroes' blood and this is a duty which we shall pass on to
    our grandchildren.

    I once again congratulate all citizens of the Republic of Armenia and
    the entire Armenian nation. I wish us all peaceful work for the
    benefit of our families and our country. I wish we allot our
    capabilities wisely on different turns of the path and crown with
    success our dreams and programs. Joint together they make what we call
    the Republic of Armenia.

    Long live the Republic of Armenia!
    Glory to the Armenian Nation!

    From: Baghdasarian