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Armenia loses part of sovereignty in any case - Artashes Geghamyan

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  • Armenia loses part of sovereignty in any case - Artashes Geghamyan

    Armenia loses part of sovereignty in any case - Artashes Geghamyan

    15:27 - 21.09.13

    Artashes Geghamyan, a Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) group member,
    regards as superficial the view that Armenia is losing its

    His question is: did not Armenia give us part of its sovereignty when
    it joined the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) or the
    World Trade Organization (WTO)?

    `We have repeatedly stated that. Did the Russian ambassador have to
    say the same thing for us to realize it? According to the Customs
    Union Regulations, the Customs Union acts as a single whole,
    representing all the member-states in trade and economic relations
    with other international entities. That is, a suprastate body is to be
    formed to represent the member-states, which results in their losing
    part of their sovereignty,' Geghamyan told

    Armenia's authorities tried to deny the obvious fact, he added.

    He advises perusing the main document of the European Union (EU) to
    see the same principle incorporated in it. The principle that has for
    many years been applied within the EU will be applied within the
    Eurasian Union.

    `Did not Armenia give up part of its sovereignty when it joined the
    World Trade Organization? Of course, it did. So in implementing its
    foreign policy, Armenia will not guided by its own laws. Rather, it
    will be guided by the rules it signed in joining the WTO, which is
    normally practiced,' Geghamyan said.

    The same principle applies to the CSTO. `We delegated responsibility
    for security to our partners. The CSTO makes collective decisions. Can
    we say that it poses a threat to Armenia? Not at all. It is a
    guarantee of our national security,' Geghamyan said.

    `Any large structure implies a common economic policy and consensual
    decision-making. So a supra-national structure shows a common approach
    based on consensus. That is, Armenia may veto a decision if it poses a
    threat to the country's economic security. The same principle applies
    to Kazakhstan and Belarus. These are simple issues,' Geghamyan said.

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