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Hollande attaches great importance to friendly relations between Arm

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  • Hollande attaches great importance to friendly relations between Arm

    Hollande attaches great importance to friendly relations between
    Armenia and France

    September 21, 2013 | 16:02

    French President François Hollande issued a congratulatory message to
    President Serzh Sargsyan, in connection with Armenia's Independence

    `Ever since [its] independence, Armenia has gone forward, especially
    owing to the reforms which were implemented within the framework of
    its dialogue with the European Union. I would like to reaffirm
    France's assistance in the continuation of this endeavor.

    `I attach great importance to the friendly relations and cooperation
    between Armenia and France. I would like to continue with you the
    activities toward strengthening these relations.

    `Please allow me to also stress the importance which France, as a
    [OSCE] Minsk Group co-chair, attaches to a progress in the talks
    toward a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    `I am glad to be hosting you in Paris soon, to discuss these topics,'
    the French President's congratulatory message reads, in particular.

    News from Armenia -

    From: Baghdasarian