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The 2nd category disabled Vigen Davtyan is beaten

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  • The 2nd category disabled Vigen Davtyan is beaten

    The 2nd category disabled Vigen Davtyan is beaten. `After the blows
    onto my head, the concussions will continue to grow.'

    September 20 2013 talked to `Democratic Way' party member Vigen Davtyan, who
    yesterday was beaten at the Shirak supermarket while distributing
    flyers about Raffi Hovannisian's rally. He could hardly speak. `I went
    and stood next to the people, old people were seated, one of them was
    playing a backgammon game, they were keeping themselves busy, I
    thought to go closer and give flyers. A young man approached, it was
    his precinct, and asked whose these are, I said - Raffi Hovannisian's,
    the day after tomorrow is the rally and we are disseminating it. At
    that moment, the boy said swearwords to the address of Raffi
    Hovannisian, pulled me from my hand saying get out ... from here. At
    that moment, my flyers fell down, I tried to pick them up, I was
    trembling, and he took the chance. He took the heart, didn't know what
    to do. They were many, I was alone. I wanted to go, I did not intend
    to fight, then he started hitting me and nobody interfered. He was
    using swearwords to my address, I answered and there they broke, and
    started to beat me. They were hitting my chest, head.' Vigen Davtyan
    is a second category disabled, he has epilepsy, and he fell into a
    seizure from the head blows. The disease is aggravated. He told us
    that he has acute pain. `When I was lying on the ground, they kicked
    my head, my eyes lid is in a bad shape. I've been 15 years in the
    epilepsy treatment. Now, after head blows, the concussions will
    continue to grow.' Vigen Davtyan told that at first he was beaten by 2
    people, and then they grew in number. `I was confounded, could not
    realize anything.' After beaten up, when the young men have left a
    short distance, Vigen Davtyan telephoned the police. He had written an
    explanation and hopes that the police will punish the guilty. Before
    the police came to the place of the scene, the young men had quickly
    disappeared. Hripsime JEBEJYAN

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