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Western Prelacy News - 09/20/2013

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  • Western Prelacy News - 09/20/2013

    September 20, 2013
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]

    The Western Prelacy will be closed on Monday, September 23, in observance of
    Armenian Independence Day.

    As we celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the independence of the Republic of
    Armenia, we pray for Almighty God to safeguard and keep in peace the
    Armenian nation and people.

    May the Lord's divine wisdom and guidance be upon our leadership so that
    they may serve for the progress of our homeland with love, integrity, and
    courage, for the well-being of our nation. May His divine protection be
    upon our brave soldiers defending our lands.

    A happy Independence Day to all.


    Earlier this week, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate,
    departed for Armenia to participate in the Armenian Apostolic Church
    Bishops' Synod from September 24 to 27, 2013.
    The Synod will convene with the blessings of and presided over by
    H.H. Karekin II, Catholicos of all Armenians, and H.H. Aram I, Catholicos of
    the Great House of Cilicia. It will bring together Armenian Apostolic
    bishops from around the world.
    The Prelate will return in early October.


    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and the joint
    Religious and Executive Councils hereby announce the appointment of
    Archpriest Fr. Hrant Yeretzian as the second pastor of St. Garabed Church in
    Hollywood. Fr. Hrant will be serving alongside Parish Pastor, Archpriest
    Fr. Vicken Vassilian. He will celebrate his first Divine Liturgy on Sunday,
    October 6, 2013.
    Fr. Hrant has served within the Western Prelacy for nearly two
    decades as Pastor of Forty Martyrs Church in Orange County and Holy Cross
    Cathedral in Montebello. Prior to arriving at the Western Prelacy, Fr.
    Hrant served within the Prelacies of the Eastern United States and Canada.
    We wish Fr. Hrant success in his new ministry.


    On Sunday, September 15, 2013, the Feast of the Exaltation of the
    Holy Cross was celebrated in Prelacy Churches with Divine Liturgy, the
    Blessing of the Four Corners of the Earth service, and the blessing of
    basil. The Feast is also the name-day of Holy Cross Cathedral of
    Montebello. Thus, on this occasion, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate celebrated Divine Liturgy, delivered the sermon, and conducted the
    blessing of madagh and basil at Holy Cross Cathedral.
    Upon the wish expressed by the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund, and by
    the decision of the spiritual leaders of the Armenian Apostolic, Catholic,
    and Evangelical Churches, this day was designated Day of Prayer for Syria.
    By the ordinance of the Prelate, "Der Voghormya" (Lord have mercy) prayers
    were offered in all Prelacy Churches for the safety and peace of the Syrian
    people and the Syrian-Armenian community.
    As the choir sang the "Hrashapar" hymn, the Prelate entered the
    Cathedral and to begin the Liturgy. Dean of the Cathedral, Very Rev. Fr.
    Muron Aznikian, participated in the service. Parish Pastor Rev. Fr. Ashod
    Kambourian, and former Pastor Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian, assisted at
    the altar.
    Prior to his sermon, the Prelate first gave thanks to God for the
    day and the opportunity to collectively celebrate last of the five major
    feasts, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and the name-day of the Cathedral.
    Addressing Fr. Muron, His Eminence wished him success in his new duties as
    Dean of the Cathedral, conveying his expectation that he will work alongside
    the Pastor, Board of Trustees, and all affiliated bodies to ensure that Holy
    Cross Cathedral grows in strength and numbers and continues its ninety-year
    history. The Prelate also greeted Principal of Mesrobian School, Mr. David
    Ghoogasian, who was assisting in the service, wishing him and the Mesrobian
    family a successful and productive school year. He expressed joy and pride
    that enrollment has increased by ten percent this year, and urged the
    community to continue to work together and support Mesrobian School, "for
    great things can be achieved with love, unity, and harmony."
    Noting that the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is also
    the day on which Sunday Schools resume, citing the passage from Proverbs
    22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will
    not depart from it," the Prelate spoke of just how important Christian
    education is, for it molds our youth to grow to be good, faithful Christians
    and to follow Christ and His commandments with total devotion and love.
    Thus, he commended the Sunday School director and teachers for their
    dedication to this important task.
    The Prelate began his sermon by giving a brief overview on the
    history of the Feast. He explained that in the 7th century, the Persians
    had confiscated the sacred relic, which the Emperor Heraclius was eventually
    victorious in recovering through a series of battles. Upon the Emperor's
    triumphant return to Constantinople, the people, including the Armenians,
    greeted him with great enthusiasm, praising and exalting the Cross he had
    recovered. The Armenian people had contributed to the battles and shed
    their blood for the return of the Cross, and they also witnessed the sacred
    relic as it was being transported from Constantinople to Jerusalem via their
    lands. That is why the Armenian people hold this feast in such high regard,
    designating it as one of the five great feasts of the church. "Our
    forefathers rejoiced and triumphed in the return of the Cross because they
    comprehended its profound significance and symbolism," stated the Prelate.

    His Eminence then spoke on the true meaning of the Cross, as the
    symbol of God's justice, wisdom, love, power, and peace, and the promise of
    redemption and salvation. By sending His only Son as a substitute for our
    sins, through the Cross, God revealed his unbound love towards mankind; He
    made it known that He is the only path to salvation; He displayed His mighty
    power over sin and death; He reestablished the peace that was once lost
    because of sin.
    "Today, more than ever, we are in great need of the peace of the
    Cross. All across the world, and in the Middle East especially, love and
    peace has been replaced by violence and injustice. For the past 2 ½ years,
    our brothers and sisters in Syria have been living a nightmare with no end
    in sight. Day by day, their circumstances are becoming increasingly
    difficult as the situation continues to deteriorate," stated the Prelate.
    His Eminence called on the faithful to pray for the watchful Eye and the
    protective Hand of the Lord to safeguard the innocent Syrian people caught
    in the crossfire of the civil war, for the Holy Spirit to bring some
    semblance of peace and comfort to the people who are struggling for basic
    necessities each and every day, and for God's compassion and mercy to fill
    the hearts of world leaders, so that they can work together to restore peace
    to a broken world.
    At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, the Prelate conducted the
    Antasdan service, (Blessing of the Four Corners of the Earth), a ceremony
    where the four corners of the church are blessed as a sign of the
    sanctification of the world, and also blessed basil which was then
    distributed to the faithful.
    The Prelate was then led in a procession to "Bagramian" Hall where
    the blessing of madagh took place, in memory of departed church servants and
    loved ones.
    Following the blessing of tables, Fr. Muron welcomed the guests gave
    an overview of the Cathedral's current and upcoming endeavors, and invited
    all those present and the community at large to participate in the
    fulfillment of the Cathedral's mission.
    The Prelate delivered the closing message, in which he once again
    congratulated the parish community on their name-day, and urged all to work
    together in the spirit of love and harmony for splendor of Holy Cross
    Cathedral and Mesrobian School. The celebration concluded with the
    Prelate's benediction.


    As the Honorable Grigor Hovhannissian's term as Consul General of
    Armenia in Los Angeles officially came to an end on Friday, September 13, a
    reception was held at the Consulate General in Glendale to bid farewell to
    the Consul General and wish him success in his new mission as Ambassador of
    Armenia to Mexico.
    The Prelate attended the reception and conveyed his blessings and
    will wishes to the Consul General and his wife Victoria.


    On Saturday, September 21, the 22nd anniversary of Armenian
    independence will be celebrated within our community.
    On this occasion, the ARF Central Committee has organized a
    celebration to be held at "Kazanjian" Hall of the "Krikor and Mariam
    Karamanoukian" Youth Center in Glendale. Guest of honor, Senator Robert
    Menendez, will address the community. There will also be a cultural program.
    On behalf of the Prelate, Rev. Fr. Ardak Demirjian will attend the
    celebration. Executive Council Chair Mrs. Rima Boghossian and members will
    also be present.
    The Consulate General of Armenia has organized an art exhibition by
    young Armenian artists, the opening of which will be held on Saturday,
    September 21, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Consulate General in Glendale.
    On behalf of the Prelate, Rev. Fr. Gomidas Torossian will attend.
