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Happy holiday, free, independent Armenia! - Olympic medalist weightl

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  • Happy holiday, free, independent Armenia! - Olympic medalist weightl

    Happy holiday, free, independent Armenia! - Olympic medalist weightlifter

    0:55 AMT, September 21, 2013

    YEREVAN. - `Happy holiday, Homeland! Happy holiday, free, independent
    Armenia! Happy holiday, dear compatriot!'

    Armenia's 2012 London Olympics bronze medalist weightlifter Hripsime
    Khurshudyan stated the aforementioned.

    She congratulated on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the
    independence of Armenia.

    `The strength of the Armenians is in [their] unity. The achievement of
    independence is a triumph for us. We have had numerous such triumphs
    in the crossroads of our history.

    `Let us be proud and protect it, with a high consciousness, [and] with
    a hope for a prosperous and a bright future for our future

    `May your skies be blue and peaceful, our dear Armenia!' Khurshudyan
    wrote in her Facebook account.

    To note, Hripsime Khurshudyan had a son in July.!olympic-medalist-weightlifter.html
