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Independence Day was celebrated in Yerevan State University

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  • Independence Day was celebrated in Yerevan State University

    Independence Day was celebrated in Yerevan State University

    18:31, 20 September, 2013

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 20, ARMENPRESS: Students' council of Yerevan State
    University on September 20 organized patriotic event dedicated to 22nd
    anniversary of Armenia's independence. The event started with
    demographic dances by students then a fleshmob was organized: More
    than 300 students from YSU left to the air more than 450 balloons of
    colors of Armenian flag and at the end of the event the students
    depicted on the steps number 22 symbolizing the independence.

    `The event has been organized on the initiative of YSU Students'
    council without any professional help. The aim of the event is show
    the youth that all our national heroes one day were students and
    protected our country in their age. We always remember and stress the
    importance of our heroes and their patriotic activity. Nowadays young
    people must realize how important Motherland is and should be ready to
    protect it,' mentioned president of YSU Students' Council Raffi

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    From: A. Papazian