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Armenia Is Trump Card Against Russia

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  • Armenia Is Trump Card Against Russia

    Armenia Is Trump Card Against Russia

    So, there are obvious signs that the resolution on the
    Armenia-Russia-EU `conflict' has been made, the scenario of the
    `conflict' will be used 100% and even more.

    It would be ingenuous to think that it could have been otherwise,
    considering the political ambitions of the European Union and the
    established mechanism of having decisions on certain, including
    regional issues agreed with the United States.

    Expectations that Armenia would be forgotten did not come true, and
    this should be acknowledged. Although emotions overwhelmed the
    corridors on Schuman Roundabout, decisions are not made by officials
    but politicians, and the Western community has understood that it has
    received an interesting trump card in the games with Russia and
    Eastern Europe.

    In Armenia they will most probably focus on different objectives
    relating not only to Russia but also Turkey. In addition, it should be
    noted that these scenarios had been worked out earlier and should have
    been implemented after the signing of the Agreement on November 29.
    Hence, there are no new scenarios, there are only new schedules and
    order of actions.

    Apart from pragmatic motives relating to the geopolitical blockade of
    Armenia, not just pressure, there are issues relating to the image and
    authority of the European Union. It is possible that in Armenia hardly
    anyone noticed but Russia has declared a political war to the European
    Union, and one can remember a similar situation after the war in

    Besides, the West must demonstrate to Ukraine that it can assert its
    position and do it quite rapidly and quite convincingly. Armenia is
    not Ukraine, and demonstration of continuity of the policy does not
    require big funds.

    In the meantime, on `September 3' the understanding of the reality in
    the South Caucasus played a big role. Over the years of talks with the
    European Union Armenia never dared to take initiatives for
    consideration of `compensatory technologies' in the area of defense;
    the EU and NATO did not take a step towards enabling Armenia's
    national security. It was kept in mind that such steps could lead to a
    confrontation with Russia, and they preferred to bypass Armenia
    delicately but the counter-partner was too large to be able to bypass
    during the first attempt.

    In this situation one can already announce about a plural fact: over
    the past year up to the last few weeks European politicians,
    functionaries and experts repetitively and cautiously asked, `To what
    extent is the Armenian government determined to sign the `Agreement'?'
    These and other delicate details are evidence that the West was not
    confident that the project would succeed because Russia was expected
    to react.

    However, what matters more was not Russia's expected `breakthrough'
    but Armenia's uncertainty over the level of tolerance of risks. One
    way or another, further development of relations between Armenia and
    the Western community, if it ever takes place, will incorporate
    elements of security. Therefore, it is time to cooperate with NATO
    first, not with the European Union, or in a different format...

    Who will be dealing with iteration on Armenia's path towards the West?
    Is the Armenian government considered suitable for cooperation and
    further dialogue or is it already used material?

    The Western community has a rule to block and ignore not states and
    nations but concrete politicians or political groups, as well as their
    functionaries. If the current government makes up its mind to thwart
    Moscow's decision on Armenia's membership to this absurd, this will be
    to its political credit despite November 3 because the West gets an
    incredible card in such an attractive game.

    This could be predicted because the West needs to resolve the problem
    here and now, not in the visible future. At the same time, the
    positions of Europe and the U.S. cannot affect sponsors of pro-Russian
    politics in Armenia. It may not be related to business and bank
    deposits, as well as issuance of visa to them and their service
    functionaries. Their names and positions are known well.

    However, despite the current intentions of the West, it would be more
    desirable to mark time. For the time being, it is hard to understand.
    It will take time to sober up from the promises of the Customs Union.
    Besides, Moscow simply can't help its endless foolishness and
    coarseness, continuing a discussion which seemed to be over. It is
    necessary to squeeze everything out of this dreadful situation. The
    Russians are doing it themselves.

    Igor Muradyan
    23:15 21/09/2013
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