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BAKU: Turkey to prevent Armenian activities over alleged genocide an

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  • BAKU: Turkey to prevent Armenian activities over alleged genocide an

    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    Sept 21 2013

    Turkey to prevent Armenian activities over alleged genocide anniversary

    21 September 2013, 13:31 (GMT+05:00)

    By Nazrin Gadimova

    Turkey will take all necessary measures to prevent the events that the
    Armenians can hold in 2015 in connection "with the 100th anniversary
    of the so-called Armenian genocide, Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan
    Ismail Alper Coskun said at the conference named "Azerbaijan
    Democratic Republic and the Caucasian Islamic Army" and dedicated to
    the 95th anniversary of the liberation of Baku from Bolshevik-Armenian

    "Armenians have already made the farfetched claims, and those claims
    can be expected in the future," said the ambassador and added that
    Turkey will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Canakkale Battle.

    Coskun also said that the Armenian state ideology is based on
    falsification of the 1915 events.

    "I hope that all historical events will be studied from the point of
    view of archival material, as it was suggested by Turkey and
    Azerbaijan," he said.

    The conference, which was organized by the ADA jointly with the
    Turkish embassy in Azerbaijan and the Turkish Cultural Centre named
    after Yunus Emre, was held at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA)
    on September 19. The event brought together Principal of the ADA
    Khafiz Pashayev, Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Ismail Alper Coskun
    and other officials.

    Speaking at the event, Pashayev emphasized the importance of the
    conference, told about the importance of Turkey's assistance to
    Azerbaijan. He said that the Caucasian Islamic Army played an
    important role in the history of Azerbaijani-Turkish brotherhood.

    Then a documentary movie about the arrival in Azerbaijan and fighting
    way of the Caucasian Islamic Army led by General of the Ottoman Army
    Nuru Pasha was shown at the event.

    In 1918, Nuru Pasha commanded the Caucasian Islamic Army, which
    consisted of about 13,000 people. In the Geokchay battle Nuru Pasha
    defeated the Red Army of Baku Soviet while they begun their attack on
    Ganja. On July 20, Caucasian Islamic Army took the strategically
    important Shamakha.

    To combat the Caucasian Islamic Army British troops under the command
    of General Lionel Dunsterville arrived in Baku, but they were forced
    to leave the city realizing the impossibility of successful defence of
    Nuru Pasha's army. On September 15, 1918, Caucasian Islamic Army
    liberated Baku.

    From: A. Papazian