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BAKU: Hafiz Hajiyev during TV Debates Threatened Opp Leaders with De

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  • BAKU: Hafiz Hajiyev during TV Debates Threatened Opp Leaders with De

    Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijan
    September 20, 2013 Friday

    Hafiz Hajiyev during TV Debates Threatened Opposition Leaders with Death

    Baku/20.09.13/Turan : The next televised debate of presidential
    candidates in public television in the evening on September 19 was
    marred by the scandal provoked by the head of the party Modern Musavat
    Hafiz Hajiyev.

    He attacked with dirty insults the candidate from the National Council
    of Democratic Forces ( NCDF) Jamil Gasanli and his family , as well as
    other leaders of the opposition.

    In particular, Hajiyev called NCDF "council of traitors."

    Hajiyev accused the leader of the Popular Front Party Ali Kerimli of
    "having poisoned Elchibey (the late leader of the Popular Front Party
    and ex -president)." He also accused the leader of Musavat Isa Gambar
    of evading his son from military service and "churning youths of the

    Hajiyev accused opposition leaders " of aiding the Armenians " and
    obstruction of the Karabakh resolution .

    Next Hajiyev argued that the opposition is "servant to " foreign
    forces for the sake of revolution.

    Pointing out that the daughter of Gasanli is married to an Englishman,
    Hajiyev accused him of destructive activities in Azerbaijan on their (
    the British ) orders.

    After the speech by Hajiyev , a number of candidates , and in
    particular, the leader of the Democratic Party Sardar Jalaloglu and
    the head of the United Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan Gudret
    Gasanguliev declared inadmissibility of invasion into privacy.

    In his speech before Gasanli announced that on September 22 in support
    of him a rally will be held at the stadium in the Yasamal district (
    near the metro station " Inshaatchilar "). He also said that he came
    into the studio with documents refuting the accusations against him of
    deceiving doctors to obtain early retirement. In particular, he said
    that his illness was confirmed by eye doctors of the Institute of
    Ophthalmology named after Zarifa Aliyeva.

    Next Gasanli focused on large-scale corruption in the government of Azerbaijan.

    Thus, the elimination of the consequences of the floods in the Kura
    and in the earthquake zone Zagatala 1 billion 69 million manats was
    spent and the problems of the population are still not resolved. In
    Turkey, for the elimination of the consequences of a devastating
    earthquake in the Van province (in a much larger scale) only 392
    million USD was used.

    Next Gasanli pointed to the illegality of Aliyev's nomination for a
    third term. According to him, when Aliyev swore allegiance to the
    Constitution, it provided for a limited stay of one person that could
    be elected president for two terms of office.

    Therefore, the constitutional amendments adopted in 2009 through a
    referendum are not related to Aliyev.

    He also demanded the promulgation by Ilham Aliyev as a candidate of a
    presidential declaration on his income and the income of his wife, as
    is customary in democratic states. " I am the only candidate who not
    only introduced a declaration on my income, but also the income of my
    wife," said Gasanli.

    Gasanli also accused Aliyev of violating the law and the conduct of
    the election campaign before the start of it. With that Gasanli
    demanded cancellation of the registration of Ilham Aliyev as a
    candidate for the presidency.

    However, he asked the representative of Aliyev, deputy head of the
    party New Azerbaijan (YAP ) Ali Akhmedov, to also provide a
    documentary explanation of the villas of the family members of the
    President in Dubai and their companies in the offshore.

    Next Gasanli's speech was interrupted by Hajiyev, who jumped up,
    continuing to insult the opposition.

    He threatened the opposition with violence and expulsion from the
    country , in case of his victory.

    Hajiyev again put the blame on Gasanli that his daughter is married to
    an Englishman .

    In response Gasanli said that if it is "all the blame" that his
    daughter is married to an Englishman, the daughters of President Ilham
    Aliyev take out the wealth of the country abroad.

    In response Hajiyev threw a bottle at Gasanli. After that Hajiyev was
    taken out of the hall by security officers of public television.

    The authorized representative of Aliyev, deputy chairman of the party
    New Azerbaijan Ali Akhmedov began blaming Gasanli for "unworthy
    behavior at countless times."

    In response Gasanli said that dishonest and immoral is the government
    itself, including NAP and Ilham Aliyev, who are corrupted most of all.

    Next Gasanli recalled the words of one of the founders of NAP Sirus
    Tebrizli that NAP degenerated into a party of " faceless robbers ."

    Gasanli required to recover the time he spent on the parry of the
    attacks against him by Hajiyev.

    The leader of the debates refused to do it, and offered to submit all
    the complaints to the CEC.

    In protest against the violation of his rights Gasanli left the studio.

    Note that Hajiyev practically during all the parliamentary and
    presidential elections provoked similar scandals .

    Most of the other candidates used the airtime to attack the National
    Council and Gasanli. -06D--

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress