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Using falcons to scare off fruit-eating birds

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  • Using falcons to scare off fruit-eating birds

    Gulf Times, Qatar
    September 22, 2013 Sunday

    Using falcons to scare off fruit-eating birds

    Vahe Alaverdian feeds one of his raptors after flying the bird over a
    vineyard in Los Alamos, California. Alaverdian uses the birds to
    control nuisance birds which cause damage to crops. By David Pierson
    To keep pesky birds away from his blueberries, veteran farmer Mark
    Flamm has blared recordings of avian distress calls, shot noisy "bird
    bangers" from a pistol and ordered an employee to shake a
    gravel-filled bottle at the sky.

    He even went old-school and planted a scarecrow.

    "That didn't work," said Flamm, 58, who once lost a fifth of his
    berries to his feathered foe despite the efforts, "though I got a
    picture of a bird sitting on the scarecrow." That's when he called in
    the falcons.

    Starting three years ago, the central Washington state grower hired
    Vahe Alaverdian of Falcon Force ( ), a master
    falconer based in La Crescenta, California, to drive out the flocks of
    sparrows and starlings that were fattened off Flamm's fields.

    Using a hunting technique that some think dates back to the Bronze
    Age, Alaverdian prompted his raptors to launch into a series of
    high-speed dives, called "stooping," meant to mimic the capture of
    winged prey. The maneuvers - not unlike an aeronautical war dance -
    trigger an innate panic attack in the fruit-munching birds, who are
    either paralyzed with fear or flee for new surroundings.

    The falcons are trained to scare, not snack on, their targets.

    "It's amazing. Suddenly all the other birds go quiet because they know
    they could be eaten," said Flamm, who has seen his crop loss from
    birds dwindle to around 3 percent.

    In the age-old face-off between farmer and bird, falconry has
    presented a relatively new way to tip the scales in man's favour.

    It's an ancient twist to modern farming, which has embraced technology
    to resist disease, conserve water and conjure a smorgasbord of
    expensive hybrid fruit. Yet when it comes to marauding birds, growers
    have few solutions short of ringing the skies with shotgun blasts.

    "There's not much we can do," said Joe MacIlvaine, president of
    Paramount Farming Co. in Bakersfield, California, the world's largest
    grower and processor of almonds and pistachios. "You can't shoot them,
    and you can't poison them, which aren't great ideas anyway." One
    Ventura County strawberry farmer's imperfect answer is riding his
    bicycle on his farm and sounding its bell. Others use timed propane
    canons and firecrackers that can make a tranquil country morning sound
    like the Battle of Waterloo.

    "I give one of my workers a pan and a hammer, and he just pounds away
    to scare the birds," said John Tenerelli, a stone-fruit farmer in
    Littlerock, near Palmdale, California.

    Alex Weiser, a specialty fruit and vegetable grower in Kern and San
    Bernardino counties, has an employee drive up and down his fields
    shooing away the birds like a come-to-life scarecrow.

    Recently, he tried specially manufactured inflatable yellow balloons
    with reflective silver patches he calls the "evil eye." Hung on the
    end of a branch, the orbs are meant to spook the burglars in

    Despite all that, some of his best results come from firing a flare
    gun in the general direction of the airborne offenders.

    "Not too popular with the neighbours," Weiser said.

    Bird damage is often overshadowed by weather and water as a farmer's
    chief concerns. But avian pests are a formidable challenge, raising
    the risk of contamination and costing growers hundreds of millions a
    year in damaged crop.

    Recent research by the US Department of Agriculture estimates that
    birds peck $49 million away from California's wine-grape industry each
    harvest, $12.3 million from the state's sweet-cherry growers and $2.6
    million from blueberry farms.

    In Washington, bird damage cost growers of Honeycrisp apples $26.7
    million, blueberries $4.6 million and sweet cherries $31.9 million.
    Birds, like humans, prefer sugary fruit; it's one reason tart cherries
    in Washington suffered only $1.8 million in losses.

    "Birds are a serious problem because they tend to like the crops that
    are expensive," said Stephanie Shwiff, one of the study's authors and
    a researcher at the USDA's National Wildlife Research Center in Fort
    Collins, Colo.

    With a modest investment in bird abatement, farmers can protect more
    of their profits, Shwiff said.

    The problem is choosing the right method. Putting a net over the
    entire bush makes sense for small farms. But at around $400 an acre,
    it could set a larger grower back $400,000.

    Flash tape, whose shiny surface wards off the birds, speckles most of
    California's wine vineyards, but even that loses its luster once birds
    realise it poses no threat.

    "Anything that doesn't change day to day, the birds will get used to
    it," said Alaverdian, the falconer.

    A killing machine like a peregrine falcon will grab the attention of
    your run-of-the-mill finch or crow.

    Alaverdian demonstrated how on a recent summer morning at a 1,000-acre
    commercial vineyard in Los Alamos, about a 45-minute drive northwest
    from Santa Barbara.

    Patrolling the hilly property in his dusty white SUV, Alaverdian
    spotted about two dozen magpies roosting on a nearby cluster of oak
    trees. Although posing no danger to the grapes below, the presence of
    black and white birds risked attracting the most prolific plunderers -

    Alaverdian released Genghis, one of four falcons perched patiently in
    the back of his car strapped with radio transmitters just in case they
    fly out of sight. The four-year-old peregrine circled over the
    chardonnay and pinot grigio grapes, gained altitude and then swooped
    with astonishing force toward his handler.

    Genghis was lured by pigeon feathers tethered to the end of a rope
    that Alaverdian twirled with precision. Each time the falcon got
    close, Alaverdian pulled back the lure.

    "This whole process is devastating from the prey's point of view,"
    said Alaverdian, 39, who repeated the performance several times until
    the magpies vanished over a hill. Genghis was rewarded with a bloody
    pigeon carcass pulled out of a Ziploc bag in the SUV cup holder.

    The constant pressure encourages unwanted birds to seek their meals
    elsewhere, sometimes to the detriment of neighbours. Alaverdian was
    once cursed out by a vineyard manager next door. He took it as another
    sign his falcons were hitting their stride. In the five years he's
    worked at the vineyard, netting has decreased from 95 percent to 5

    That makes Alaverdian's $700 day rate a bargain by comparison, though
    it might take weeks or even months to take care of the problem.

    Though effective, there aren't enough certified master falconers like
    Alaverdian to expand beyond a niche market in the nation's $15 billion
    fruit industry.

    The US Fish and Wildlife Service said falconry is growing in
    popularity. Traditionally a blood sport for the rich, it has found a
    second life in the world of bird abatement. E & J Gallo Winery has
    been using falcons for eight years in Sonoma County. Kendall Jackson
    Winery has been doing it just as long in Monterey and Sonoma counties.
    The birds are also employed at airports, landfills and beaches.

    Still, not just anyone can pick up the craft. The life of a falconer
    can be gruelling.

    Alaverdian, whose Armenian family fled war-torn Iran in the 1980s,
    said the job requires a comfort with ruggedness and solitude. He
    spends months without a break on a single vineyard or farm.

    He hasn't bought commercial meat in 14 years. He eats salmon, trout,
    elk and deer he catches in the wild. So engrossed with his work, he
    can't help but flinch when he sees a flock of birds even when he's
    driving back to his motel.

    "When I was in Washington, I was asked why I didn't go to church,"
    said Alaverdian, who sports a perpetual five o'clock shadow and an
    intensity on par with his prized predators. "I said, 'Unless the
    starlings go to church too, I'm not going either.'"- Los Angeles

    From: A. Papazian