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Gunfire As Extension Of Politics On Azerbaijan-Armenia Border

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  • Gunfire As Extension Of Politics On Azerbaijan-Armenia Border


    Transitions online, Czech Rep.

    Sept 23 2013

    Mutual recriminations as both sides note a rise in cross-border
    shooting. From Jasur Mammadov Sumerinli and Vahe Harutyunyan23
    September 2013

    While cross-border gunfire involving Azerbaijani and Armenian forces
    is all too common, a recent sharp increase in incidents has left
    analysts wondering what is going on.

    The consensus is that the skirmishes are not a precursor to wider
    hostilities. Instead, commentators on each side believe they are a
    reflection of domestic political problems in the other country.

    As an illustration of the rise in shooting incidents, Armenian defense
    officials said one soldier died and six were injured in August,
    whereas there had been no casualties in July.

    An Armenian tank outside Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno Karabakh,
    serves as a war memorial. Photo by Marshall Bagramyan/Wikipedia.

    The incidents happened on Armenia's eastern border with Azerbaijan,
    on its southeastern frontier with Nakhichevan - an Azerbaijani exclave
    territory - and on the "line of control" around Nagorno Karabakh.

    Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan said the
    nature of the "enemy action" was unusual.

    "This isn't reconnaissance, nor is it designed to improve their
    position, or to prepare for sweeping military operations," he said.

    "The Azerbaijanis' aim is to inflict as much harm as possible on our
    military personnel."

    In Azerbaijan, officials said it was the Armenians who started or at
    least provoked the shooting. The Defense Ministry said its monitoring
    indicated that most of the gunfire was taking place around Karabakh
    and on the border with Nakhichevan.

    Defense Ministry spokesman Eldar Sabiroglu said the Armenians were
    trying to divert public attention from their government's own failings.

    "We know that Armenia's domestic affairs are in bad shape. People
    express their unhappiness with the authorities every day. In order
    to mitigate this, they [authorities] try to project attention onto
    Azerbaijan," he said. "This is always going to be a problem. Armenia's
    aggressive policy has not changed, so there will continue to be
    trouble on the front line."

    Sabiroglu also spoke about an incident in early August, on the border
    between Armenia and Nakhichevan. According to the Armenian account,
    one soldier was killed and a second injured by Azerbaijani sniper
    fire. But Sabiroglu described this as "an attempt by Armenia to divert
    attention from problems inside its own army."

    "They're trying to cover up the fact that there was a shootout between
    Armenian soldiers, We have reliable information that several soldiers
    died and several more were injured in a shootout in an Armenian
    military unit deployed on the border with Nakhichevan," he said.

    A mirror-image view of the situation was articulated in Yerevan.

    Alexander Arzumanyan, a former foreign minister of Armenia, said the
    clashes were being instigated by Azerbaijan, where the authorities
    are keen to ensure the re-election of President Ilham Aliev next month.

    "The Azerbaijanis have resorted to deliberately escalating tensions
    on the border ahead of general and presidential elections on more than
    one occasion," he said. "It's the familiar policy of the Aliev clan -
    dictatorships always need an external enemy."

    Arzumanyan pointed to the widening military imbalance between oil-rich
    Azerbaijan and less affluent Armenia. Baku continues to purchase
    high-tech weaponry, and Aliev and other officials often warn that if
    talks on the future of Karabakh ultimately fail, the army is capable
    of retaking it by force.

    Armenian officials are clearly unsettled by this build-up but hope
    their longstanding alliance with Moscow will safeguard them.

    Despite the threats coming out of Baku, Arzumanyan said, "the years
    go by, and the Karabakh problem remains unresolved."

    The Karabakh conflict ended in 1994 with a truce that has lasted ever
    since, despite the sporadic outbreaks of gunfire. Talks intended to
    produce a lasting settlement are mediated by the OSCE's Minsk Group,
    chaired by Russia, the United States, and France, but have failed to
    make significant progress. The Karabakh Armenian administration says
    it will never give up its claim to independence, while Baku insists
    that the ultimate solution must involve regaining control over its
    sovereign territory.

    "There has been no substantive movement in the positions taken by
    the parties to the conflict," Arzumanyan said. "Then again, Karabakh
    isn't of such paramount importance to [external] states that it would
    prompt serious pressure [for a solution] from outside."

    Even with high levels of mutual mistrust and little apparent prospect
    of progress in the OSCE-mediated talks, commentators in Yerevan and
    Baku are not predicting that things will get out of hand.

    "I do not think that the option of returning to war will be decided in
    Baku alone, so I see it as unlikely that Azerbaijan would go down that
    road," David Shahnazaryan, former head of Armenia's National Security
    Service, told IWPR. "What I mean is that a number of states are active
    in this region, and they are driven by they own interests and by the
    fact that they have a political, military, and economic presence -
    there's Russia, the United States, Turkey, the European Union, and
    Iran. I wouldn't say any of these countries wants to unleash a war
    in the South Caucasus."

    Zumrud Mammadova, a researcher at the Simulated Forecasts think tank
    in Baku, agreed that none of the big players wanted conflict.

    "Analysis of what's going on indicates that neither Armenia nor
    Azerbaijan is preparing for war," she added. "Each side wants to
    show its strength and insure itself against current and possible
    international responses to its domestic problems. Armenia and
    Azerbaijan are doing this to get round the international community's
    demands for democracy."

    Dashdemir Aliev, a retired lieutenant-colonel in the Azerbaijani army
    who now heads a veterans' group, agreed with this point.

    "Armenia and Azerbaijan have identical interests in this respect. Both
    want to show the international community that they face problems
    that are a lot more important than democracy, and hence ward off
    international pressure," he said.

    On the Armenian side, Shahnazaryan predicted that the use of
    small-scale warfare as a continuation of politics would continue.

    "I believe tensions on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border will persist,
    rising and falling on a regular basis," he said. "The situation that
    now pertains will continue for a long time since no new initiatives
    have emerged in the OSCE Minsk Group [talks] format."

    Jasur Mammadov Sumerinli is a defense affairs reporter with the Zerkalo
    newspaper in Azerbaijan. Vahe Harutyunyan is a freelance journalist
    in Armenia. This article originally appeared on

    From: Baghdasarian