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Canadian Lawmaker Continues To Show Leadership In Karabakh's Develop

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  • Canadian Lawmaker Continues To Show Leadership In Karabakh's Develop

    Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

    Canadian Member of Parliament Stephane Dion (left) meets with President
    of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakian and cabinet members

    YEREVAN-Stephane Dion, Member of Parliament for
    Saint-Laurent-Cartierville and former Leader of Her Majesty's
    Loyal Opposition is on visit to the Republic of Armenia and the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic from September 21 to 27, 2013. Dion's visit
    has allowed him to view first-hand the progress that Armenia and
    Artsakh have made since becoming independent, as well as to share
    the knowledge gained from his experience as Canadian Minister of
    the Environment and Minister of Inter-Governmental Affairs with the
    governments of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Dion was accompanied on his trip by Dr. Girair Basmajian, chair of
    the Armenian National Committee of Canada, which was instrumental in
    organizing this fact-finding mission.

    Dion's trip included meetings with Armenian legislators, meetings
    with officials of both Armenia's and Artsakh's executive branches
    of government, and visits with Syrian-Armenian refugees that have
    been recently displaced from their homes due to the internal strife
    in Syria.

    According to official estimates, there are approximately 10,000
    Syrian-Armenian refugees living in both the Republic of Armenia and
    the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

    During a one-day visit to Stepanakert, the capital of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Mr. Dion met with Artsakh President Bako
    Sahakian and Speaker of Parliament Ashot Ghulian.

    Dion's visit coincided with the 22nd anniversary of the independence
    of the Republic of Armenia and gave him a chance to witness how
    economic and social conditions have evolved since Armenia regained
    its independence after 70 years of Soviet rule. Similarly, Dion was
    able to view how Nagorno-Karabakh has progressed since its people were
    able to free themselves from Azerbaijani oppression. On his return to
    Canada, Dion has said he will share his observations with his fellow
    members of parliament and will provide them with unique insights as
    someone intimately familiar with the right to self-determination in
    international law.

    Stephane Dion pays his respects to the victims of the Armenian Genocide
    at the Dzidzernagapert memorial in Yerevan

    "Mr. Dion's visit to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh was an important
    step in further strengthening the ties between Canada and these new
    democracies. Mr. Dion is following in the footsteps of the Canadian
    parliamentary delegation that observed Nagorno-Karabakh's free and fair
    elections in 2012 and a separate Canadian parliamentary delegation
    that attended the inauguration of Armenia's president earlier this
    year." said Dr. Basmajian.

    "Mr. Dion saw for himself how Nagorno-Karabakh has developed over
    the last 20 years and the problems caused by Azerbaijan's aggression
    and illegal blockade of Armenia. No doubt Mr. Dion's trip would have
    been more comfortable if Azerbaijan's threats to shoot down civilian
    airliners had not kept Stepanakert's airport from opening. We can only
    hope that the next time a Canadian delegation visits Nagorno-Karabakh,
    the airport will be accepting travellers."

    Dr. Basmajian also hoped that Dion's visit would convince Canada and
    the international community to provide assistance to the over 10,000
    Syrian-Armenians who have been displaced by the current situation in
    Syria and now reside in Armenia and Karabakh. Dr.

    Basmajian said, "The Armenian-Canadian community joins with all
    Canadians in applauding the Canadian government's contributions to
    Syria's neighboring countries to assist with caring for the influx
    of refugees escaping from Syria, but it is important to also assist
    the government of Armenia in dealing with the substantial costs it
    has undertaken to care for the Syrian-Armenians who have recently
    arrived in Armenia. We are confident that once our representatives
    hear from Mr. Dion about the need for international assistance they
    will do whatever they can to help."
