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Michael Baghdasarov Is Angry

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  • Michael Baghdasarov Is Angry


    September 25 2013

    "Armavia" owner ordered not to pay the salaries of the employees who
    had applied to court with a claim to receive the bonuses "Armavia"
    Air Company' owner Mikhail Baghdasarov does not like that his former
    employees make a demand against him, to the point, the demand is
    legal: the former flight stewards demand their bonuses for 3 years
    of work. In the conversation with "Aravot", a group of employees of
    "Armavia" told that Baghdasarov was so angry on his former employees
    that he ordered not to pay the salaries of about 20 flight stewards,
    just for the reason that they have appealed to the court to get their
    per diems from "Armavia". "Baghdasarov was in such a fury that he had
    instructed the management not to pay the wages thereof. When this news
    reached us, we could not believe, we went to the office to clarify,
    one of the directors said that there is an order from above, it is
    not our fault. Now, the rest of us are paid the salaries for March-
    April, and we went to get ours, they did not give it to us", - assured
    a group of former employees of "Armavia" to "Aravot". According to
    them, they first did not have the intention to apply to the court, but
    the persuasion to receive their per diems through the court came from
    the State Labor Inspectorate and the RA President's office, and they
    have thought that if such an admonition is made by 2 state systems,
    it might be the only way out to get what they earned. "We were told
    from the Inspectorate that it would be difficult for them to prove
    the bonuses, it would be better to apply to the court. We were also
    told from the President's office that we should resolve these issue by
    the court, so, we have applied, but "Armavia" does not care for us,
    the representative of "Armavia" did not appear before the court. But
    the State Labor Inspectorate does not respond to our request, we wrote
    three letters to the President of Armenia to give instruction to the
    Inspectorate to give a proceeding to our application, after the 3rd
    letter to the President the Inspectorate began to get involved with
    our case,"- said the former employees of the airline. To the point,
    in our conversation the flight stewards did not want to introduce
    themselves, claiming that Michael Baghdasarov would get more furious.

    "He has a habit of revenging. To one of our guts, as punishment, he
    ordered not to pay salary, or at least pay the last. When this gut
    was interested why, Baghdasarov had told 'you show up by media quite
    a lot." The per diems requested by the former employees applied to
    the court is about 500 thousand drams, which Mr. Baghdasarov want to
    "wash off". According to flight stewards, "Those 500 thousand drams
    are of no value as of today, because 1-2 years ago this amount cost
    at least something, but now we are in need for it, because we do not
    have a job, we live in debts." While the Court would decide the issue
    of paying per diems to the formers flight stewards of "Armavia", the
    calculation and payment of workers' salaries has remained unsettled.

    The matter is that the State Labor Inspectorate, which should deal
    with defining the salary scales, has been dissolved by the government
    decree, and it merged to the sanitary anti-epidemic inspection. And
    now, as far as the merging process of these two inspections is not
    completed, we were unable to establish a contact with the Inspectorate
    to find out at what phase is the issue of salary payment to flight
    stewards. And, as the former "Armavia" employees assured, they had
    applied to the Inspectorate to regulate the size of the amount of wages
    for their work for recent months. According to the flight stewards,
    "Armavia" has terminated its flights, and was not exempting us from
    work, we were idle for a month and a half, we did not get the order to
    be released, in the conversation with the lawyer of the Inspectorate
    we found out that pursuant to the law, the salary for the months of
    idleness is estimated according to the range of the average salary,
    whereas "Armavia" had estimated by the the rate of the salary, which is
    40 thousand drams, and our average salary is about 400 thousand drams
    and one and a half month will be about 600 thousand drams. Now, there
    is no Inspectorate, there is no one to get involved in our case. It
    leaves the impression that the Inspectorate is shut down because of
    us. Everything is expected to be in this country, the government
    prefers to protect oligarchs rather than ordinary employees." The
    former employees of "Armavia" have decided to organize a protest
    near the U.S. Embassy, so, as they say, to inform the international
    community about how the workers' rights in Armenia are violated. "So,
    what else can we do, we turn to the government, they says that we
    do not have leverage to influence, and if you do not have leverage,
    write down a resignation letter and leave your office." The former
    employees of "Armavia", even though they do not have high hopes that
    there will be an entity in Armenia that can make a decision against
    the businessman Mikhail Baghdasarov, however, to protect their rights
    they are going to apply for all possible instances. "We are going to
    write a letter to the Ombudsman if this instance also "washes off"
    our case, then we'll hold demonstrations every day."

    Nelly BABAYAN

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