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'Staged And Scripted': Mother Agnes Finalizes Chronology Of Damascus

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  • 'Staged And Scripted': Mother Agnes Finalizes Chronology Of Damascus

    Published time: September 26, 2013 03:06

    Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib

    Arms, Children, Conflict, Mass media,Syria, Terrorism, UN, War witness

    A new version of a study produced by Mother Agnes, a catholic
    nun, pointing to a number of fabricated videos used as evidence of
    complicity by the Assad government in a recent chemical attack is in
    the works, she told RT.

    The report by the Christian nun, Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib, mother
    superior of St. James Monastery in Qara, Syria, has alleged that many
    videos featuring supposed victims of the chemical weapons attack in
    the Syrian village of Guta in August were in fact staged and scripted.

    The question for the nun now revolves around the "humanitarian"
    question of what happened to the children featured in the video.

    "Those children are the children of whom? From where did you get them?

    Why are you using them and manipulating them?"

    The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian
    Arab Republic was created in August 2011 by the Human Rights Council
    to investigate alleged violations of human rights.

    RT: What exactly led you to the conclusion that the videos of the
    chemical attack were fabricated?

    Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib: I have been contacted by families from
    the province of Lattakia. They alleged that they discovered victims,
    the children that are presented as victims of the chemical attacks
    in Eastern Ghouta, would be their own children. They had asked me
    to interfere, so I had to study a little bit of those videos to see
    where those children are carried, because in some videos they are
    alive and in some videos they seem not to be alive.

    I came to identify in many videos real staging, real screen playing
    and today after having redacted a study concerning my first impression,
    I called it a better version.

    Today I'm just finishing the chronology of those videos and of the
    action they are unveiling to the public opinion. I'm more and more
    convinced that it is not the coverage of an ongoing reality , the
    ongoing emergency of chemical strikes, but a kind of screen playing
    with a script that has been worked on many days before.

    RT: Are you an expert on chemical weapons and film-making?

    MA: We see kind of manipulations of corpses. For example in an average
    timeframe between 2-5 hours we see bodies that are not cured that are
    not healed, we see them take them from one place to another. They
    put them in a scenography way just to make the shooting. These are
    not confirmed to what they are pretending - they are showing us as
    they say victims of an imminent chemical attack. So I have found a
    lot of screenplay and all of them, they are very well documented. We
    could derive from the web the real chronology, the real time frame
    of their uploading. And it is obvious, nobody can deny this.

    An image grab taken from a video uploaded on YouTube by the Arbeen
    unified press office on August 21, 2013 shows a man comforting a
    Syrian girl in shock as she screams in Arabic "I am alive" following
    an attack in which Syrian opposition claim the regime used chemical
    weapons in eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts of Damascus (AFP Photo)

    I'm not an expert, I'm not military, I'm not a medical expert - I am a
    just an observer, a normal citizen and as a nun I'm trying to find out
    what is the fate of those little children. If they are from the North,
    from Lattakia, I would like to know where they are. If they are not
    from North Lattakia, we also have the proof that they have no families.

    So please tell us - those children are the children of whom? From
    where did you get them? Why are you using them and manipulating them?

    Are they alive or are they dead? Now it is a humanitarian case and
    we're asked to bring it to the highest level of the humanitarian and
    human rights community in the world.

    RT: How did the UN respond to your findings?

    MA: I said directly in a meeting with the commission of inquiry that
    I have been viewing the videos and that my impression was that they
    were a fake. They were very much interested. They've asked me to
    transmit to them the videos as well as my own observation.

    Until today I have just transmitted to the commission of inquiry and
    also to the office of the high commissioner of human rights in Geneva
    my 50-page study. I did not transmit until today the videos because
    I wanted to be sure about my work and I will transmit to them, remit
    to them in an official way the whole work of chronology and evidences
    that they will be able to see, to view it in an audio-visual way.

    From: A. Papazian