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Azerbaijan Accelerated Injighulyan's Transfer To Third Country: Arme

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  • Azerbaijan Accelerated Injighulyan's Transfer To Third Country: Arme

    09:33, 27 September, 2013

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 27, ARMENPRESS: The letters, sent to the
    international human rights organizations on the protection of
    the right of expression of the free will of the Armenian captive
    Hakob Injighulyan, have remained unanswered. This was reported to
    Armenpress by the first Ombudswoman of Armenia, the Chairwoman of
    the "Against Illegal Arbitrariness" NGO Larisa Alaverdyan, stating
    that it gives a ground to think that the international organizations
    are politicized. "There has been no reaction to our letters. As far
    as Azerbaijan has accelerated the process of the transfer of Hakob
    Injighulyan to the third country, which I think to be positive, that
    gives us a reason to think that the international public organizations
    are politicized", - said Larisa Alaverdyan, noting that the sooner
    the transfer is carried out, the better, as there have been cases,
    when the Azerbaijanis abused the rights of the Armenian captives.

    "Against Illegal Arbitrariness" NGO applied to the International
    Committee of the Red Cross, as well as other human rights
    organizations, asking to provide with the opportunity to visit Hakob
    Injighulyan along with the representatives of the Red Cross to get
    sure that the transfer to the third country was the expression of
    the free will of the Armenian soldier or he was made to do it.

    Earlier the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defense Army informed that
    Hakob Injighulyan, born in 1991, at about 03:00 at night of August
    7-8 during his service did not manage to orient in the territory and
    crossed the Karabakh-Azerbaijan border and appeared on the territory
    protected by the rival's troops. On August 8 the Armenian Office of
    the International Committee of the Red Cross applied to the ICRC Baku
    Office on the incident. Recently Hakob Injighulyan gave an interview
    to one of the Azerbaijani TV channels. On August 20 the delegation
    of the ICRC Baku Office met with Hakob Injighulyan and passed him a
    letter from his family. In general the information provided concerning
    the meeting was quite brief. It is known only that the Armenian
    serviceman as well transferred a letter to his family. On August 15
    the First Deputy Minister of Defense of Armenia David Tonoyan held
    a regular meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross
    delegate in Armenia Dragana Rankovich. During the meeting Rankovich
    informed that according to the information from the ICRC office in
    Baku "they are confident that they will soon get the date of the
    visit with Hakob Injighulyan".

    From: A. Papazian