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Venetian Specialist To Design Komitas Museum Institute Halls

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  • Venetian Specialist To Design Komitas Museum Institute Halls

    11:16, 27 September, 2013

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 27, ARMENPRESS: A museum hall design specialist
    will arrive in Armenia from Venice in November to design the halls
    of the Komitas Museum Institute. As the Armenpress correspondent was
    reported by the project architect Arthur Meschian, the works of the
    Museum's construction will be over by the end of October or at the
    beginning of November.

    The complex will have a museum part, a research center, a concert
    hall, a music studio, a library and a publishing house. The project
    is implemented with the funds provided by Pyunik Charity Organization.

    On May 30, 2012 the Board of Trustees of the Hayastan AllArmenian
    Fund held its 21st annual meeting, at the Government Reception Hall
    in Yerevan. The plenary event was presided over by Serzh Sargsyan,
    president of the Republic of Armenia and chairman of the fund's Board
    of Trustees. The Board discussed a special cultural project proposed
    by President Sargsyan, namely the establishment of the Komitas Museum,
    adjacent to the Komitas PantheonPark in Yerevan.

    As he described the project, Sargsyan said he envisions it not as a
    museum per se but rather a dynamic cultural center offering various
    artistic events, where patrons from throughout Armenia and visitors
    to the republic alike would have the chance to familiarize themselves
    with the rich musical legacy of Komitas Vardapet.

    On September 19 2012 the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh
    Sargsyan attended the official ceremony of the public presentation
    of the Komitas Museum Institute and stated in his speech: "Komitas
    left a huge legacy, bits and pieces of which still can be found in
    different corners of the world. It's not the quantity that's important
    but the quality and nature of that legacy. Fully aware of that fact,
    we believe that it is only natural that the Komitas Museum-Institute
    should be created in Armenia. I agree with those who believe that the
    existence of such an institution is a necessity, call of the times. I
    assume and would like to believe that the Komitas Museum Institute will
    become a major center for the Armenian as well as foreign researchers.

    Komitas had unearthed not just songs, but a full layer of civilization,
    which it should be admitted, has not been fully understood by us yet,
    have not yet made it a full-fledged property of the Armenian and
    world music societies. Komitas should not be a worshiped but unknown
    idol. Komitas should be an active participant of our cultural life, one
    of the most important factors of our refining identity, should continue
    to lead us through the complicated crossroads of the 21st century".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress