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Threats To Syrian Christians Heighten Concerns In Congress About Aid

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  • Threats To Syrian Christians Heighten Concerns In Congress About Aid


    The National Journal
    September 22, 2013

    by Sara Sorcher

    Members of Congress know that Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad is
    the bad guy, but they're increasingly worried about toppling him
    from power, after Christian organizations have galvanized America's
    religious base.

    Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., worries that the presence of extremist
    groups linked to al-Qaida within the fragmented Syrian opposition
    poses a "direct threat" to religious minorities there, including
    Christians, who make up about 10 percent of the population in a
    country home to ancient biblical scenes such as the Damascus road
    on which Paul had his conversion experience. Qaida-linked groups'
    vision of a "post-Assad Syria is one with no Christians in it," Van
    Hollen told National Journal Daily. "It's an extremist, intolerant,
    fundamentalist Islamic state. So this is a very real factor in the
    whole question of U.S. support for the rebels."

    Syria's bloody civil war changed Christians' relatively protected
    status under Assad, a member of the minority Alawite sect, a Shia
    offshoot. His primarily Sunni opposition largely sees Christians
    as Assad's allies. Extremists seized the ancient Christian enclave
    Maaloula where the language of Jesus Christ is still spoken, killed
    a Catholic priest, and two prominent Syrian bishops were abducted.

    While Van Hollen would support giving the Obama administration a
    very limited authorization for the use of force in Syria if needed,
    he is against arming the rebels because of the risk that extremists,
    who are the best fighters within the opposition, could get the upper
    hand in the conflict. "I'm not convinced we have clearly established
    whose hands these weapons will end up in," Van Hollen says. "People
    ... don't want to be dragged more deeply into a civil war that could
    result in these radical extremist groups taking over.

    "Yes, Assad must go, but you don't achieve your goal if you replace
    him with somebody as bad or worse."

    Worried about the fate of their Christian brethren in Syria,
    a swath of Christian organizations have launched grassroots
    lobbying campaigns to encourage members of Congress to oppose any
    U.S. military interventionranging from a strike to arming rebelsfor
    fear of exacerbating the volatile situation on the ground and putting
    minority groups in dangerand perhaps on the road to extinction. Tens
    of thousands of phone calls and letters have flooded Capitol Hill
    offices in recent weeks.

    "There are no good guys in this scenario," said Tony Perkins, president
    of the conservative Family Research Council. "Siding against Assad
    will only strengthen the hands of those who have direct links to
    the attacks on Christians." As members of Congress solicited his
    group's opinions on Syria, Perkins said, "we were very clear" that
    intervention was not in Christians' "best interest."

    Armenian Christians used to number about 100,000 in Syria; during
    the conflict, their numbers have been reduced by half as they fled
    the country or were targeted in attacks. Should the opposition come to
    power, the Armenian National Committee of America's executive director,
    Aram Hamparian, said, "we have no assurances ... they would respect
    the rights of Christians." That group alone, working through local
    chapters, spurred 9,000 activists to contact lawmakers.

    Hamparian's concerns appear to be shared by Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va.,
    who believes the dwindling populations of Jews and Christians in Egypt
    and Iraq could signal a similar fate for Syria's Christians. "First
    the Saturday people then the Sunday people," Wolf laments. He opposes
    intervention. "You have to be very concerned, or else you're going
    to see the Christian community emptied."

    Some groups are looking ahead. Darrin Mitchell, president and chief
    lobbyist of the American Christian Lobbyists Association, says his
    group is urging his members to write and call their elected officials
    to draft legislation that would ask "all Islamic governments, including
    a new future Islamic government in Syria, to protect and respect the
    rights of religious minorities including the Christian population in
    their respective countries" amid fears "that if an al-Qaida backed
    Islamic government takes over in Syria ... that Christian worship
    would be severely restricted and that Christians in general would
    experience extreme persecution."

    The fate of Syria's Christians, said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., resonates
    with the American people. "When you talk about how there are Christians
    on the side of Assad, it makes people say, 'Oh, gosh, what are we
    going to do now?" Paul said. "I don't think many people would argue
    Assad had protected the Christians.... When people hear that and they
    also hear al-Qaida's on the other side, al-Nusra's on the other side,
    and the Islamic rebels are committing atrocities such as beheadings
    they put on videotape to show the world, killing priests ...

    it shows it's not Thomas Jefferson and George Washington versus a
    tyrant. It's a little more messy than that."
