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New Thesis For Nonsense

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  • New Thesis For Nonsense

    Thursday, 26 September 2013 11:05

    Azerbaijan is powerless to prevent the arrival of foreign citizens
    in Artsakh

    This week, a Californian delegation, comprising representatives of
    the legislative and executive bodies of the largest American state,
    as well as the district and municipality of Los Angeles, has arrived
    in theNagornoKarabakhRepublic. Such visits, which are important for
    the NKR in terms of both the development of bilateral relations and
    prospects of the international recognition of the Republic,

    become to a certain extent usual and even ordinary for the people
    of Artsakh. It is, first of all, because they reflect the regular
    and objective course of development of the proper NKR and the trends
    of the world processes on the Karabakh issue. Another thing is that
    Azerbaijan doesn't wish to understand and accept this fact, and the
    Azerbaijani authorities cannot get used to the increasing interest
    of the international community towards the public-political, in
    particular, democratic development processes in Artsakh. This prompts
    political figures and political scientists, as well as representatives
    of the mass media and public organizations to pay familiarizing and
    other kinds of visits to the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

    It should be noted that even before the arrival of the delegation of
    the State of California in the NKR, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    of Azerbaijan reacted nervously to the possible visit of American
    political figures to Artsakh. According to the established tradition,
    a representative of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry called the
    visit illegal and threatened that "the people who illegally visited
    the occupied territories of the country, or didn't obtain permission
    for it, will be included in the list of undesirable persons." To help
    the brothers in blood rushed also the union of the Turkic Diaspora in
    the United States, which called on the tribesmen to join the campaign
    against the California delegation's visit to Nagorno Karabakh.

    Unfortunately for the Azerbaijani authorities, those days, Canadian
    parliamentarians also paid a visit to Artsakh and met with the NKR
    authorities, due to which the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry took up
    the investigation of this fact and gave the Embassy of Azerbaijan to
    Canada corresponding instructions. It seems that the Foreign Ministry
    of Azerbaijan will not be bored, because the external contacts of
    the NKR will rise with time, and, accordingly, the number of people
    visiting the NKR will increase.

    But, we are not talking about it, or rather, not so much about it.

    Getting acquainted with the comments of the officials of Azerbaijan,
    it is easy to guess that its authorities still live with the illusions
    of Nagorno Karabakh's belonging to them. One gets the impression that
    they are in a kind of virtual world, oblivious to the reality and the
    objective development of the situation related to Nagorno-Karabakh. It
    seems that even the fact that the phrase "the right of peoples to
    self-determination" as a principle for the settlement of the conflict
    has been long included in the vocabulary of the negotiations running
    under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group has not sobered up the
    authorities of Baku. They continue to think in terms of the 80s of
    the Soviet period, refusing to notice that the train has long gone.

    However, they may notice, but act in defiance of this, inventing,
    in particular, the right to a peculiar "patent" to foreign citizens
    for entering Artsakh.

    It sometimes brings to curious things. A representative of the
    Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, in the usual political ecstasy,
    has recently stated that the Azerbaijani side continues to receive
    inquiries from people for getting a permit to visit Nagorno Karabakh,
    not to get to the list of undesirable persons. The meaning of the
    statement is clear - to give greater importance to its nonsense. That
    is, "to legitimize" it. After all, it is so obvious that such, so
    to speak, permit is a useless scrap of paper and is not even worth
    a penny. Issuance of permits for the entry of foreign citizens to
    Nagorno Karabakh is exclusively the sovereign right of the NKR,
    and Azerbaijan is just unable to ban foreigners to visit our Republic.

    Apparently, realizing their inability in trying to prevent the arrival
    of foreign citizens in the NKR, the Azerbaijani authorities invented
    a new thesis for their nonsense - that most people visit Artsakh
    as a result of deceit. This "explanation" was also brought in the
    comments of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry in connection with the
    visit of the U.S. delegation to Nagorno-Karabakh. But, it is foolish
    to believe that the thousands of people who have visited the NKR are
    so naive to succumb easily to the deceit. And what is deceit in the
    Azerbaijani interpretation? You know, the people were not forcibly
    dragged to Artsakh. And what can you say about their assurances of
    their intention to arrive in the NKR again? As for the delegation
    of the State of California, during the meeting at the NKR Parliament
    the American guests admitted that prior to visiting Nagorno-Karabakh
    they had familiarized with its history. Moreover, some of them even
    drew parallels between the struggle of their people and the people
    of Nagorno Karabakh for freedom and independence. The delegation
    members expressed hope for further consolidation and development of
    relations between Artsakh and the United States. We believe that
    this fact is enough to make a conclusion about the failure of the
    Azerbaijani thesis of "wayward visitors".

    The visit of the delegation of the State of California should be
    considered only and only in the context of development of the Nagorno
    Karabakh Republic as an independent state. As you know, earlier,
    a number of American states adopted resolutions calling upon the U.S.

    President and Congress for supporting the self-determination and
    democratic independence of the NKR. And this process seems to go
    forward at a steady gait.

    So, deceiving its own audience, the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan
    is actually self-deceiving. But, as the saying goes, it is their
    own problem.


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper

    From: A. Papazian