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"Recent Events Will Not Affect The Friendly Relations Between Tbilis

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  • "Recent Events Will Not Affect The Friendly Relations Between Tbilis


    September 26 2013

    According to Georgia's presidential candidate Levan Chachua, joining CU
    or initialing the EU Association Agreement is the sovereign decision
    of RA authorities - On October 27, the presidential elections will be
    held in Georgia. Georgia's Central Election Commission has completed
    the registration of presidential candidates, it is known that 23
    candidates had a chance to fight for the post of the president of the
    country. Mr. Chachua, what does the pre-election atmosphere look like
    in Georgia? - Let me start with the fact that energy transformation
    is awakening in Georgian society, the desire to get out of the pit
    they were thrown into. Will the people be allowed to come out of this
    ongoing political crisis, will the people have power to come out to a
    new orbit, these are the questions that are of interest to the Georgian
    public. After the parliamentary elections, the "Georgian Dream"
    coalition, during the tough regime of Saakashvili, has failed within
    a year to address the moral offenses caused to people. Unfortunately,
    the "United National Movement" and the "Georgian Dream" merged in
    cohabitation, coexistence. The society requires a fair punishment
    for those causing misfortune to them, and, in return, they offer an
    "elective cohabitation", which means co-operation with the former and
    current authorities, completely ignoring the interests of the society,
    at large, and other political forces. I would like to emphasize
    that not all presidential candidates have equal conditions with
    regard to using free airtime. Based on today's CEC statement, free
    airtime it given to seven entities, which are the "Georgian Dream",
    "United National Movement" and their satellite parties candidates. -
    How do you feel about Bidzina Ivanishvili's intention to leave
    the power, did he fulfilled his mission, and in your opinion, who
    will take his place, are the names of prime minister's candidates in
    circulation? - Ivanishvili fulfilled his basic and important mission,
    to win Saakashvili regime. As for his leaving from politics, it is his
    personal choice. Although I think that the decision, to put it mildly,
    will not benefit to preservation of stability in the management of
    the state. As far the candidates of the new prime minister, it is
    difficult to judge. Although based on the statement of Ivanishvili
    to leave the office, he has moved to the public sector, he changes
    the form of his participation in the politics, and choose a position
    where, as he assures, may be more effective in influencing on the
    government. As a result, the transition system, which is formed after
    the 2012 elections, will be subjected to natural and quite serious
    transformation not only by Bidzina Ivanishvili. It will depend on every
    citizen of Georgia as to what extent this process will bring us closer
    to the creation of a democratic and fair state. - After Serzh Sargsyan,
    during his visit to Moscow, stated that Armenia is ready to join the
    Customs Union, opinions were voiced that it was a loss not only for
    Armenia, but also for Georgia. Armenia is not alone in getting ready
    to initial the EU Association Agreement; among regional countries,
    we are in the same boat with Georgia. Mr. Chachua, what developments
    are expected in Armenian-Georgian relations? - I think the recent
    events will not affect the friendly relations between Tbilisi and
    Yerevan in any way.

    Joining the Customs Union, or initialing the EU Association Agreement
    is the sovereign decision of Armenia's authorities. Now, much more
    unites us rather than divide, and I do not think and I am strongly
    against the viewpoints that Armenia's joining the Customs Union
    may have a negative impact on relations with Georgia, and that our
    relationship will suffer from it. No. One does not bother the other.

    As for the fact that Georgia can not initial the Association Agreement
    without Armenia, it depends on the decision of the Georgian authorities
    and the Georgian people, so, I can not say as to what may happen
    tomorrow-the day after tomorrow. Let's wait. - "Georgia will not be
    in Eurasia, Georgia will be in Europe," recently said the President
    Saakashvili, presenting the difference between the directions of
    the Eurasian Union and that of the European. He so described the
    Eurasian society, pressures against minorities, prosecutions against
    political opponents, corruption, oligarchy, and so on. Saakashvili
    is sure that the policy of current government of Georgia towards the
    RF brings harm to Georgia. On the other hand, a positive dynamics
    is observed in relations between Russia and Georgia, and recently,
    as a result, it was announced during the meeting with the Deputy
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Grigory Karasin and Ivanishvili's
    personal representative on Russia Zurab Abashidze. What is the level
    of Russian-Georgian relations, today? - Recently, something has been
    changed in relations between Russia and Georgia.

    First of all, this is due to the fact that parliamentary elections were
    held in Georgia, and a new government was formed, the main objective
    thereof became the incompatibility with the political legacy left
    by the previous government. Both sides specify the issues around
    which they can not reach an agreement. One of these important issues
    is the status of Abkhazia and Ossetia. Since the times of the USSR,
    the confidence that we know each other very well caused a lot of harm
    to us. Being in one state over a long period of time really created
    commonalities. But the fact how our states started developing after
    the collapse of the Soviet Union, this trajectory remained outside
    the attention of analysts. To understand each other, of course, is
    possible. In many ways it is contributed by the commonalities around
    understanding about belief and value system, and even the social
    order. But, there are very serious issues that divide us. To be
    repeated, the most important issue is Georgia's territorial integrity.

    As for the Eurasian Union, the issue does not receive much attention
    in Georgia.


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