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BAKU: Gasanli: Ilham Aliyev turned Azerbaijan into holding company

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  • BAKU: Gasanli: Ilham Aliyev turned Azerbaijan into holding company

    Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijan
    September 27, 2013 Friday

    Gasanli: Ilham Aliyev turned Azerbaijan into holding company

    Jamil Gasanli and other opposition leaders were once again under
    attack by most of the presidential candidates in debates on public
    television in the evening on September 26. In turn, the presidential
    candidate of the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) Gasanli
    again spoke personally with corruption allegations against President
    Ilham Aliyev.

    Opponents of Gasanli this time chose a slightly different tack. At
    first , they sent a spike of attacks against other opposition leaders,
    Isa Gambar and Ali Kerimli , and especially against the latter, and
    tried to present Gasanli cheated "victim " of these politicians.

    So , Zahid Oruc said that the environment of Gasanli in NCDF by hiding
    behind his back is not coming to the debate , and after the elections
    they will leave him on the field alone, as they did with Abulfaz
    Elchibey .

    In response Gasanli said that he is running for president in person
    and therefore he has nothing to blame other politicians in the studio.
    Gasanli, in turn urged his critics not to act as trustees for Ilham

    After that, he became the target of attacks.

    So, Zahid Oruj put the blame on him for applausing Heydar and Ilham
    Aliyev in the parliament and other government activities, and Gudret
    Gasanguliev reminded that Gasanli was once expelled from the Popular
    Front for the fact that he went against the decision of the party for
    the sake of his MP mandate.

    In response Gasanli said that Oruj does not have the moral right to be
    a member of parliament, as the European Court of Human Rights declared
    illegal the election in his district, having satisfied the complaint
    of another candidate , a member of the Popular Front Party Nemat

    Next, Gasanli referring to the authorized representative of Ilham
    Aliyev , the executive secretary of the ruling party New Azerbaijan
    Ali Akhmedov, asked him to report on the 48 billion dollars taken from
    the country by the ruling elite.

    I addition, Gasanli recalled that exactly a year passed since the
    scandal known as Gulargate (in exile the former rector of the
    Azerbaijan International University Elshad Abdullayev, 26 September
    2012 put on the Internet a video of his conversation with the then
    deputy Gular Ahmadova, during which Ahmadova promised Abdullayev to
    elect him to parliament in the 2005 elections and assured him of
    inclusion in the President's list). Gasanli reminded that in this
    conversation , both the briber and the bribe-taker were members of the
    New Azerbaijan.

    Noting that the usurpation of power is the gravest crime against the
    state, Gasanli claimed responsibility of the party New Azerbaijan and
    its leader for that.

    He said the chairman of the party New Azerbaijan "either gives or
    sells the parliamentary seats."

    In response Akhmedov expressed the opinion that "very little time
    remains before giving Jamil Gasanli to law enforcement agencies for
    his defamatory statements."

    Akhmedov denied the export of $ 48 billion, said that " Azerbaijan
    does not have such money," and all of these are inventions of
    anti-Azerbaijani minded foreign media . As for the same "Gulargate",
    then, as Akhmedov said, Gular Ahmadova is held responsible and will
    soon appear in court .

    He accused Gasanli of a "revanchist" speech .

    Next Gasanli touched on the topic of monopolies in Azerbaijan in
    various spheres.

    According to him, in fact, in Azerbaijan, there is "one monopoly -
    Ilham Aliyev, who runs the country , as if his own holding ."

    At the same time , according to Gasanli , the population of the
    country is in a difficult social situation . So, he said, while 140
    million manat is allocated annually from the state budget for free
    medicines for certain categories of patients , most of them do not
    receive these drugs.

    Saving time on the last TV debate performance, the head of the party
    Modern Musavat Hafiz Hajiyev called Gasanli, who had already left the
    studio, "father-in-law of Armenians" and "traitor." -06D
