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Armenian president visits Chinese embassy

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  • Armenian president visits Chinese embassy

    Global Times, China
    Sept 28 2013

    Armenian president visits Chinese embassy

    Xinhua | 2013-9-28 21:25:19

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    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan visited the Chinese embassy here
    Saturday to express congratulation for the upcoming 64th anniversary
    of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

    The president congratulated the Chinese people and Chinese President
    Xi Jinping in particular on the Oct. 1 occasion and expressed his
    satisfaction with Armenian-Chinese political and economic relations.

    He stressed China's importance to Armenian foreign policy both in the
    region and worldwide, and took the opportunity to invite Xi to his

    Chinese ambassador Tian Changchun said China was proud of its
    relationship with Armenia, which he described as China's most reliable
    partner in the region.

    Armenia and China forged diplomatic relations on April 6, 1992.
