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Will Armenia Get Rid of FSB Agents?

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  • Will Armenia Get Rid of FSB Agents?

    Will Armenia Get Rid of FSB Agents?

    The Russian mass media lament that Ukraine is going to dismiss the
    potential agents of the Russian FSB from its Security Service.
    Afterwards the Security Service of Ukraine will undergo reforms to
    comply with the EU standards. The National Security and Defense
    Council has finalized the concept of the Security Service of Ukraine,
    the Forbes wrote.

    The Russian mass media note that thousands of people will be dismissed
    from the security service and the ministry of internal affairs. It
    means that there are about this many potential agents of the Russian
    FSB in Ukraine. Apparently, Yanukovich wants to uproot Russian
    imperialism, and the roots are the special agents, open or undercover.

    In Georgia the process of cutting from the Russian empire became
    officially irreversible after the government declared lustration and
    removed the Soviet KGB agents from the government. However, Ukraine
    has gone far ahead to the modern FSB of Russia.

    The bill on lustration put forth a few years ago was not given due
    consideration. What is the point of considering this when the Russian
    FSB guards the Armenian border under an international agreement? How
    can Armenia lustrate FSB agents when Russia is officially the
    guarantor of security of Armenia? Lustration was meaningless because
    the Armenian National Security Service, as some experts say, is
    directly supervised by the Russian FSB, while the heads of our special
    services receive their pension from Russia.

    Apparently, declining the services of the Russian FSB and its border
    guard service was one of the stipulations of Armenia's European
    integration which is now obsolete. It is possible that the stipulation
    was not for a short term but was mandatory so Russia accelerated
    Armenia's membership to the Customs Union.

    However, the problem is not Europe but the independence of Armenia.
    Armenia cannot be even partly independence when the special services
    of another state are guarding its border.

    These special services feel like home. They can stop the car of the
    member of Armenian parliament in broad daylight, at 30 km from the
    border and ask where she is going. They are free to allow or prevent
    anyone from entering Armenia. They can do whether they want, and
    nobody will say anything because this is the zone of FSB influence.

    The U.S. ambassador to Ukraine has announces that in case Russia takes
    steps against Ukraine's European integration, the United States and
    the EU will rebuff. However, they should first take preventive actions
    and dismiss the FSB's agents.

    Naira Hayrumyan
    16:13 28/09/2013
    Story from News:
