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Re-Greening Armenia

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  • Re-Greening Armenia

    Re-Greening Armenia


    Just a few days ago, some good news hit regarding the environment of
    our homeland. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) introduced a bill titled `Haiti
    and Armenia Reforestation Act'. But as with everything in life, it is
    not unalloyed good news. Also, in a somewhat atypical development, the
    bill was initiated by the senator, not the Armenian community, though
    he did reach out to our groups regarding the legislation.

    The first thing to pop into anyone's mind that sees this is, `Haiti
    and Armenia together? Huh? What's the connection?' There's history and
    there's politics. Both countries used to be extensively forested. Over
    time, each through its own series of abuses, the trees have been
    largely lost.

    When in French hands some three centuries ago, Haiti was described as
    the richest colony anywhere in the world. But it was also a slave
    based economy. Then, Haiti became independent, but was saddled with
    the antipathy of its former overlord and has struggled economically.
    That impoverishment coupled with ignorance of the economic importance
    of forests, as happens everywhere, led to consumption of trees at
    unsustainable rates, creating an island almost devoid of trees. Now,
    when tropical storms strike the (Caribbean) isle, massive mudslides
    destroy homes and kill people. When earthquakes strike, landslides
    take another huge toll. With no forests to do the job, fresh water for
    drinking is scarce. Armenia's history is similar, though spanning a
    longer period of time. Centuries of invaders, desperation, and
    ignorance have rendered Armenia almost desert like. No doubt you've
    seen pictures of the Western Armenian landscape and noticed the
    desolation. The Republic of Armenia (RoA) is not quite as badly off,
    but given the extractive rapaciousness that is driving the
    government's resource management policy (or lack thereof), the
    moon-scaping of the RoA may not be far off.

    So there is some logic to the juxtaposition of Armenia and Haiti. But
    the fact that Sen. Durbin has tried to pass a Haiti reforestation bill
    unsuccessfully probably played a larger role in this `joining' of
    countries. Plus, he visited Armenia last year, and while there, may
    have observed or been informed of the dangers Armenian woodlands (what
    little remains) are facing. He's probably thinking, `With both Haiti
    and Armenia in my bill, I can get the lobbying support of both
    constituencies,' and he's probably right.

    Next you're probably wondering how this will be implemented if the
    bill becomes law. Will the U.S. buy a bunch of trees and have them
    planted in Armenia? Will it just give the money for this to be done?
    It turns out that the RoA would be required to set aside tracts of
    land, both currently forested and subsequently planted, that would be
    protected from the axe. In exchange, the RoA would receive two things:
    technical assistance, support, and capacity-building expertise to
    accomplish the reforestation and debt forgiveness/reduction from
    international creditors. This arrangement, referred to as a
    debt-for-nature swap, would be mediated by a nongovernmental
    conservation group.

    So we have a situation where, based on first principles, there is a
    good proposal on the table. But, it needs refinement. Given the
    irresponsible approach demonstrated by the RoA's government on the
    environmental front (questionable mining practices unchecked, illegal
    lumbering ignored, the near irrelevancy of very good laws that are on
    the books, and the ever-present corruption that taints everything in
    the country), strong compliance and enforcement measures must be
    included in the legislation.

    A very important, though hidden, political calculus may also be
    driving Durbin. Despite his strong support on issues revolving about
    Artzakh and the Genocide (he used to be an author of resolutions), in
    recent years, he has backed off. In part, he has used the foolhardy
    Protocols as an excuse. It is our job to make clear to him that we
    appreciate environmental initiatives such as this proposal, but it
    cannot replace, only supplement, his support on our core issues, the
    ones he has been cool to since the lying President Obama commenced his
    love-fest with Turkey.

    Let's all support this bill. Let's make sure it is strengthened before
    it is passed. Let's communicate our concerns to Sen. Durbin. Let's get
    our compatriots, friends, and relatives in his state of Illinois to
    convey the same concerns. It's good to see how much more integrated in
    world politics and economics our concerns have become. But, let's make
    sure we achieve a comprehensive, meaningful, and practicable law as
    the outcome.
