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Turkish dissident to keynote Congressional remembrance of Armenian G

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  • Turkish dissident to keynote Congressional remembrance of Armenian G

    Turkish dissident to keynote Congressional remembrance of Armenian Genocide

    13:25 05.04.2014

    Armenian Genocide, Ragip Zarakolu

    Ragip Zarakolu - a world-renowned Turkish dissident who has been
    persecuted and imprisoned for his principled stand for recognition and
    reparations for the Armenian Genocide - will be the featured speaker
    at this year's April 9th Capitol Hill remembrance of the 99th
    anniversary of this crime against all humanity.

    This year's observance, hosted by the Congressional Caucus on Armenian
    Issues and supported by the Armenian Embassy, the Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic's office in Washington, and Armenian American organizations,
    will take place in the historic Gold Room (2168) of the Rayburn House
    Office Building - Room 2168 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on the evening of
    Wednesday, April 9th.
    "We welcome Ragip Zarakolu to America and look forward to his remarks
    on Capitol Hill, at the April 9th Congressional remembrance of the
    Armenian Genocide," said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "Mr.
    Zarakolu represents the small but growing civil society movement
    within Turkey that - despite persecution, imprisonment, and even
    threats of assassination - is working to end their own government's
    denial of the Armenian Genocide and to help build a better future
    based upon a truthful and just resolution of this still unpunished
    crime. It is this courageous message of truth and justice - not the
    official genocide denials of Turkish government - that should be
    encouraged and empowered by President Obama.

    Zarakolu is the longtime director of the Belge Publishing House, which
    has, since the early 1970s, courageously challenged legal restrictions
    (including Article 301 of the Criminal Code) and violent threats
    against public discourse about the Armenian Genocide, Kurdish issues,
    minority rights in Turkey, and other banned topics. Several titles
    published by Belge deal directly with the Armenian Genocide, a
    principled stand that has resulted in him being targeted by official
    prosecution, death threats, and even assassination attempts.

    He serves as chair of the Freedom to Publish Committee of the Turkish
    Publishers Association, is a leader member of the Turkish PEN Center.
    In 2003 and 2008 he was awarded the PEN Free Expression Award in
    2003,and, in 2008, he received the IPA Freedom to Publish Prize.
