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Florida Walkathon To Raise Public Awareness Of Armenian Genocide

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  • Florida Walkathon To Raise Public Awareness Of Armenian Genocide


    15:30 07.04.2014

    An upcoming walkathon in Boca Raton will mark the 99th commemoration
    of the Armenian Genocide of 1915, whereby 1.5 million Armenians were
    systematically exterminated by the Ottoman Turkish Empire during World
    War I. Event proceeds will go towards genocide awareness, community
    outreach and advocacy for more comprehensive genocide education in
    Florida public schools, reports.

    The Walk Against Genocide, a two-mile walk which will take place
    Saturday, April 12 at Mizner Park, is organized by the Armenian
    Genocide Commemoration (AGC) Inc., a nonprofit organization comprised
    of representatives from various Armenian American organizations
    and churches in South Florida. The mission of the AGC is to educate
    the public about the first genocide of the 20th century -- and that
    genocide continues to occur in modern times, all over the world. In
    the past few weeks, Armenians have watched history repeat itself as
    foreign Islamic extremists sacked the predominantly Christian Armenian
    town of Kessab, Syria, displacing thousands of peaceful Armenians.

    Arsine Kaloustian-Rosenthal, AGC's Public Relations Director,
    explained: "The Armenian American community usually finds itself
    commemorating the genocide within its own confines. However,
    with the 100th anniversary one year away, there seems to be a
    stirring in Armenian communities all over the world. By planning
    highly visible events such as this walkathon, we are throwing open
    the door to all who wish to learn more about us, our culture, and
    the genocide that took our ancestors from us. As the saying goes,
    'all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to
    do nothing.' We must raise our voices together to condemn not only
    the Armenian Genocide but also the Holocaust, the Assyrian, Greek,
    Ukrainian, Cambodian, Rwandan and Darfur genocides, among others."

    Today, the Armenian Genocide remains the second-most studied genocide
    event, after the better-known Jewish Holocaust of World War II. In
    fact, when Adolf Hitler was asked how the world would respond to his
    "Final Solution" plan -- the extermination of the Jewish people in
    Europe -- he replied, without compunction: "Who, after all, speaks
    today of the annihilation of the Armenians?" Turkey, the successor
    state of the Ottoman Empire, has yet to acknowledge the Armenian
    Genocide, despite repeated calls from historians and world leaders.

    Over 20 countries and 40 U.S. States officially recognize the Armenian
    Genocide committed by Turkey, including the State of Florida.

    David Silvers, Candidate for Florida House District 89, will be
    speaking at the event and has stated "It is important to acknowledge
    both the suffering and the resilience of our fellow world citizens.

    Recognition of Turkey's atrocities toward the Armenian people in 1915
    is a necessary step in that process. An injury to one is an injury
    to us all."
